Declaration of love

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The next day when Robby woke up he was surprised to see Tory's little brother Brandon standing over him watching him, Brandon was curious as to why a teenage boy was sleeping on their couch, when Tory noticed what he was doing she gave him into trouble and apologised to Robby. Robby didn't mind as he knew what it was like to wake up with a random stranger in his apartment. When Robby got up he thanked Tory for letting him spend the night and if she ever needs anything then all she needs to do is ask. While Robby and Tory were talking Robby noticed Tory grabbed multiple pills and took them into a room that's door was always closed, when Tory returned Robby asked if she was ok, Tory realised she had to tell him something so he didn't think she was a drug addict so Tory told him they were painkillers for her mom because she injured her back a few weeks ago, Robby wasn't sure he believed her as there were a lot of different pills but he decided to keep his mouth shut as it wasn't any of his business.

After some time of Robby and Tory talking about their plans for today Brandon ran to Tory and told him that their mom was throwing up, Tory quickly rushed to check on her, while Tory was checking on her mom Robby noticed that Brandon began to cry so he stepped and tried his best to reassure the young boy that everything would be ok, obviously Robby didn't know the entire situation so he just assumed that Brandon had never seen his mom feel sick before. Eventually after 10 minutes of talking to him Robby for Brandon to calm down by asking him to show him his toys that were scattered over the floor. When Tory came back from helping her mom she saw Robby sitting on the floor talking to Brandon, Tory was so grateful for his help as if made things so much easier. When Robby noticed Tory he asked her if everything was ok but he quickly noticed she didn't want to talk in front of Brandon so he guided her outside of the apartment. Immediately when they got outside Tory began to break down crying Robby instantly wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly to comfort her. Robby knew that something was clearly wrong and it wasn't just that her mom wasn't feeling well however Robby didn't want to ask incase Tory wasn't comfortable sharing that information with him, but Tory was ready because she needed to tell someone and right now he was the only person she trusted, Tory admitted her mom has cancer and she's been struggling to keep everything ok as she has to work to pay bills, food and her mom's medication and then she try's to protect Brandon so he doesn't have to worry about anything. Robby felt so bad for tory as he could never have imagined she was going through all this so to told her that if she needs any help any time then he's here for her. Tory thanked Robby but she told him he did enough after helping with Brandon unless he had $5000 going spare.

After everything that happened at Tory's robby didn't stick around for much longer as he had an idea how to help her but he was going to need help for Trey and Cruz. When Robby arrived at their old hang out area Trey and Cruz made fun of Robby for still needing their help even after moving in with The Larusso's, Robby really didn't want to deal with them but he knew Trey and Cruz were the only people he could trust with what he was about to do. Robby reminded Trey and Cruz that the last time they met he agreed to do one job with them but now he's here to offer to do a job because he needs the money, Trey asked what Robby needed the money for Robby didn't want to tell them the truth so he told them it was for his mom when she gets out of rehab. Trey and Cruz didn't think much about the offer as they never turned down the chance to make some easy money.

Robby, Trey and Cruz spent the next few hours deciding what store they would hit tonight, Trey eventually revealed he knew a great store with only 2 workers no security and only 2 security cameras, Robby agreed that this store would be perfect but he began to get annoyed when Trey wouldn't tell him where the store is.

At 8pm Robby, Trey and Cruz made their way to the store. Robby still had idea where they were going and every time he asked Trey told him to relax. As they got closer Robby started to realise they were getting closer to the strip mall where his dad's dojo is. Robby assumed they chose the store here to mess with his head but it didn't work as robby had a job to do and nothing would stop him from doing it. Trey and Cruz had instructed their other friend Eddie to be in the store and get the owner of store away from the cash register incase he had any weapons or an alarm for the cops. Once they saw that Nestor was away from the register Robby, Trey and Cruz pulled up their masks and ran into the store, Cruz pulled a metal pipe out of his bag and used it to threaten Nestor while Trey took various items from the store like alcohol and cigarettes Robby only had one thing on his mind and that was money so he can to the cash register and emptied all the money into a bag. While Robby was putting the money in the bag Cruz got distracted and Nestor was able to push him to the ground before running towards Robby to stop him from leaving, Robby didn't want to get violent but when Nestor grabbed his arm Robby attacked him. After knocking Nestor to the ground Robby, Trey and Cruz made their way out of the store but before they got away Cruz grabbed a rock he found and threw it at the store window leaving glass all over the ground.

After Robby, Trey and Cruz robbed the store they ran to an alleyway where they left a bag full of clothes. Once they had changed their shoes and jackets they counted the money unfortunately for Robby they only got $320. Robby decided to cut a deal with Trey and Cruz by asking them if he could take $220 and they can half the other $100 and split the profit they make from the alcohol and cigarettes, Trey and Cruz accepted the deal but only if robby agreed to do another job soon, after agreeing to the deal robby left as their was someone special he needed to see.

Just after 9pm tory head a knock at the door she was a little reluctant to answer but when it became obvious the person wasn't leaving she answered tory was relieved to see it was Robby. When tory answered the door Robby noticed she looked tired and ready for bed but to Robby she still looked as beautiful as always. Robby apologised for coming so late but he had to give her something. Tory couldn't believe her eyes when robby pulled out money and handed it to her, after tory counted it she asked where Robby got it and why he was giving it to her Robby knew he couldn't tell tory what he did so he told her he had a friend who owed him some money and he decided to give it to her so she could put it to good use. Tory hugged Robby to show him how grateful she was and she was about to ask why he would do this for her but she didn't get the chance as Robby's phone began to ring when Robby saw that it was Sam calling him he immediately ignored it and this made Tory feel great that he was choosing her over Sam. Tory was finally able to ask Robby why he cared so much but rather than telling tory Robby decided to show her by kissing her passionately, Tory was shocked by the kiss but after Robby pulled away he told her that he really cares about her, after Robby's confession tory kissed him back and guided him into her apartment to spend another night but this time he wouldn't be on the couch.

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