First date

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1 week later
Robby was sat in The Larusso's home dojo which was also his bedroom while he was staying there, Robby was currently looking at Tory's Instagram he was watching video and video of her training at Cobra Kai and in the background of one of the videos he could see his dad training Miguel. As Robby continued to scroll through her photos he couldn't understand how Tory fit in with cobra Kai she's nothing like the other students he met at the all valley tournament. 5 minutes later robby was interrupted when Sam entered the room, she sat down next to Robby and asked what he was up too, robby told her he was playing a game on his phone as he didn't think telling his girlfriend he was looking at photos of another girl was a good idea. Sam then told him the reason she came to see him was to ask if he wanted to go out tonight on their first official date, Robby automatically said yes and when asked him where they should go Robby told her she could choose.

Later that night Robby and Sam headed out for their date, they told Daniel they were meeting the other Miyagi do students at Demetri's house. Sam hadn't told Robby where they were going yet because she wanted it to be a surprise. After a 15 minute drive they arrived at the roller rink, Robby had only been here was and that was when he was 8 years old with his mom. When they got inside Sam asked Robby to get some skates for them while she went to the bathroom. While Robby was getting the skates he never noticed that Tory had just walked through the front doors and even though Robby didn't see Tory she saw him and she immediately rushed over to him. Tory was excited to see Robby and she asked him what he was doing here deep down she hoped he had some how found out she worked here and was coming to see her but she was bitterly disappointed when Robby said he was on a date, tory tired not to show him how disappointed she was so she told him she worked here so if he needed anything he should just let her know. When Sam came out of the bathroom she noticed that Robby was talking and laughing with another girl and as she got closer Sam realised it was Tory the girl that pushed her at the beach club. Robby and Tory were interrupted when Sam came over and kissed Robby on the cheek, Robby could sense that things were tense between them but he didn't get a chance to ask what was wrong as Sam took his hand a dragged him in the other direction.

Robby and Sam spent the next hour and half skating before deciding to get some food but when they sat down at the table Sam was pissed off when Tory came over to take their order, once again robby could sense the tension between them and when Tory put her hand on Robby's shoulder Sam pushed her hand away and again before Robby could ask what was wrong sam saw the manager and asked if they could have another waitress since this one was being rude, Tory's manager wasn't happy so she told Tory to go work behind the refreshments counter for a bit. Robby could see how smug Sam was so he asked her what her problem was Sam revealed to Robby that Tory was the girl that pushed her at the beach club, Robby automatically started to defend Tory he told Sam that is was probably an accident, Sam was angry that Robby was defending Tory and when she asked him why he was doing it robby asked Sam why she defends Miguel every time he mentions what he or cobra Kai did at the all valley after Robby threw that back in her face Sam spent the rest of the night in a bad mood.

After they finished their food sam said she was ready to go home, Robby didn't have any arguments so he agreed to leave too. Sam got up and rushed away ahead of robby, Tory noticed Sam walking away to she decided to chase after Sam in hopes of causing some more drama, after cut in front of Sam and started to mock her tory even told her it wouldn't be long before Robby ditched her for someone who understands him, Sam laughed and told Tory that she doesn't know robby at all and he would never be interested in her, Tory then informed Sam she knows Robby quite well and when she next sees him could she let him know she has his jacket at her apartment. Sam is furious and she can't control her temper anymore and she pushes Tory to the ground.

After Robby had finished paying for the food he went to find sam but what he saw was sam shoving Tory to the ground, Robby ran towards them and angrily asked sam why she did that, sam would try and explain that Tory started it but she gave up and walked away after Robby helps Tory to her feet. After helping Tory up Robby runs outside after sam who is getting in her car ready to leave, she tells Robby to get in or she going home alone, Robby didn't want to leave without talking to Tory so he tells sam that he will talk to her later. After watching sam drive away robby was ready to walk back into the roller rink to see Tory but she had just walked out herself, Tory told him that her boss had seen what happened and told her to go home early, after finding out Tory shift was over robby would offer to walk her home since it was getting late.

While walking back to Tory's apartment Robby and Tory talked about everything that happened tonight and at the beach club, Tory told Robby that what happened at the beach club was an accident because Sam grabbed her first and she was just defending herself. Once they arrived at the apartment tory got Robby's jacket and brought it outside for him, after giving Robby his jacket tory kissed him on the cheek and thanked him for walking her home. After walking away from Tory's apartment robby realised that when tory kissed him it felt more special than when Sam did the exact same thing earlier on that night.

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