Rival dojos

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It had been a whole week since Robby and Tory first met at the beach club and since then they hadn't seen each other face to face but they have been texting all the time. When Tory wasn't training at Cobra Kai or working she spent most of her free time looking at Robby's Instagram which was mostly videos of him Skateboarding, Tory had been working up the courage to ask Robby if he wanted to hang out but every time she messaged him she deleted it because she thought it made her look desperate.

Things over the few days had been great for Robby Miyagi do had more students than ever but the best thing was that he and Sam had started dating, it all began when they were alone at the dojo after training and Sam kissed him, At first robby was reluctant to date his boss/sensei's daughter but he and Sam agreed to keep their relationship a secret.

Today Robby decided it would be a good idea to go and visit his mom after training sam had offered to drive him but Robby decided to skate there instead.
Robby's conversation with his mom was really good they talked about Robby's new job at Larusso auto and how he would be going back to school. Shannon noticed that something was up with Robby and when she asked him what was wrong he confessed that even though he appreciates everything the Larusso's are doing for him he feel out of place and like he's taking advantage, Shannon understood why Robby felt that way so she reminded him that he could stay with his dad just until she was out of rehab.

After Robby left the rehab Centre he decided that he would go to his dad's apartment to ask if he could stay with him. While Robby was skateboarding to his Dad's apartment when he noticed a blonde girl across the street who looked familiar and when Robby stopped to check who it was he realised it was Tory so he decided to cross the street and talk to her.

Tory had just finished training at cobra Kai and now she was headed to her job a local diner but on her way she noticed Robby Keene running towards her, when Tory saw him she couldn't hide how happy she was to see him. Tory didn't have time to stop and so she asked Robby if he wanted to come with her to her job and they could talk before her shift starts. On the way Robby told Tory all about his visit to see his mom at rehab, robby usually wouldn't tell anyone something like this but there was something about Tory that just made him feel comfortable.

When Robby and Tory got to the diner Tory still had 15 minutes until her shift began so she got 2 coffees and sat down with Robby so they could talk, Robby asked how long Tory had worked here, Tory told him she started working here 2 months ago because her mom was struggling to pay the bills, Robby could relate to having money problems especially every time she left with a new man. Tory and Robby spent the new few minutes laughing until Tory told Robby she had something to ask him, she told him that she noticed he's really athletic and in great shape and she thinks he would be a perfect addition for her karate dojo, Robby couldn't believe that Tory also did Karate but he had to let her down by telling her he already practiced karate at a dojo, Tory was disappointed but she tried to convince Robby by telling him that Cobra Kai is the most badass dojo in the valley, Robby couldn't believe that Tory was a member of Cobra Kai and he immediately told her he wasn't joining Cobra Kai , When Tory asked why she couldn't believe it when Robby told her he is a member of Miyagi Do, Tory didn't know much about the dojo but she did know that they were cobra Kai's rivals. Before they could finish their conversation Tory's boss told her it was time to start work, as Robby as leaving Tory stopped him told him she didn't want their dojos to get in the way of their friendship, Robby admitted he didn't want that either so he suggested they should just not talk about karate whenever they are around each other. 5 minutes after Robby had left Tory noticed that he had left his jacket behind and when Tory picked it up all she could smell was Robby's cologne, Tory then realised that she could use this as a way to see him again very soon.

While Robby was skating to his dad's apartment all he could think about was how he had a crush on a member of Cobra Kai. When Robby got to his dad's apartment he noticed his dad and Miguel were already outside, Johnny had his arm around Miguel and was leading him into an apartment which he assumed was Miguel's so Robby just decided to leave because no matter how much he wanted his dad to be there for him he never would be.

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