Chapter 9

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A/N: Your outfit above)

It's been a couple of day's since whatever happened between me & Paul and I haven't left my room let alone the house, I felt like crap really and everything around me was hightened which included my every senses like hearing, smell, sight; all of it was hightened. My window's was fully open that they could go with my curtains drawn because of the sun light as it hurts my eye's, I was wearing the most cooling and breathable clothing I have which was my gym clothes but I left the shirt off.

Sweat dripped down my face as I heaved breath after breath, it felt like I was set on fire, every part of me was serring hot to the touch and it was hard to breath as the air was so cool it practically burned every time I breathed. Nobody knows what's wrong with me and that worried everyone, especially the pack and dad, if they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me then they'll have to let go of their pride and ask the Cullens for help.

Groaning in pain as I turned over onto my back I stared at my ceiling before making my mind up and painfully sat up before reaching over to my nightstand grabbing my phone then dialing Edward's number which Jake didn't know I had by the way, he picked up fairly quickly and straight away he noticed something was off so he asked what was wrong, I explained what had happened to me over the last few days and he told me he's bring his father over to take a look.

Once he hung up I stumbled my way to my door then out to the living room and once Jake saw me he rushed over asking what I was doing out of bed for so I told them that I rang the Cullens, Jake didn't take that news to well but dad told him it might be are last hope of finding out what was wrong with me after hearing that he calmed down, it didn't take long for Dr.Cullen and Edward to get here but once they saw the state I was in they both looked at one another.

Carlisle)"[Y/N] it seems that as your a different kind of Wolfshifter, the White Wolf to be pisific, it means something has triggered your unique shifter make-up genes"

Jake)"What does that mean? Is there's  anything we can do to help her?"

Carlisle)"I'm afraid not. Only her chosen mate can help her and for her the rules doesn't apply to just human's or other shifters, she can imprint on any supernatural creature however I have a feeling she already did."


I groaned as another wave of intense heat crashed over me as I felt my inner wolf clawing to be released so it can go in search of it's mate, I was slowly loosing any will and strength to keep her back from shifting but I knew who she wanted to go in search for, I just didn't want to asept what happened the other day between us.

Every move I made was agonising but I pushed through it just so I could get outside and onto the front lawn with Jake following behind me asking me what I was doing, collapsing to my knees I breathed in a deep breath of fresh air before calmly letting it out before glancing up at Jake which was now beside me with a weak smile.

"My wolf is clawing at my insides Jake, she wants out and she'll get what she wants in the end, if I shift she'll take over and follow her instincts to where I need to be so I can get better which in all honesty I'm sick and tired of this shit"

Jake)"I can't let you do this alone"

"Then follow me, either it be on your bike of in wolf form, follow me just in case I do something I shouldn't. If so then spot me, anyway you can just stop me"

I place a hand on his face before he nod his head agreeing with what I said then ran back inside to tell dad and the Cullens what was going to happen, a few minutes later he came out with a bag that held a change if clothes for me and him just in case he had to shift also before going to get his bike which once I heard it revving in the shed, I shifted.

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