Chapter 5: Bella Dilemma

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A/N:Your outfit above)

It was a warmer day today so I decided to have a picnic in the meadow that's in the forest, I walked into the forest then shifted into my wolf form picking up the picnic basket in my mouth I trotted through the woods until I made it to my destination, placing the basket down I shifted back then quickly changed into my clothes again and set up my blanket with cushions, drinks and some snacks before getting comfy laying down then pulled out a history book I was reading last night.

Time went on and I was woken up by the sound of someone calling my name so I lightly lifted the book off my face to be blinded by the sun and once my eyes was fully adjusted again to the sunlight I saw Bella kneeling beside me, I sighed as I sat up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes from my nap that Bella so rudely woke me up from and she was rambling about something until she quickly went silent which made me look over to her to see her staring at a guy with dreads and red eyes.


I thought to myself as I stepped infront of Bella eying the vampire it was obvious that it was here for Bella because of the Cullen's aren't in town meaning she's defenceless, I growled at him as he spoke up asking Bella questions about the Cullen's and where they were that she told a lie to try and throw him off which thankfully he believed giving the pack enough time to get here, they all charged at the guy following him as he vamp speed ran into the wood's.

Jake stopped for a few seconds looking at Bella then me before running off to join the pack after that she freaked out and tried to run away but I quickly grabbed her wrist and tried to convince her to not say anything but failed, I can't see what my brother sees in her I really can't.

I sighed as I packed up my things just in time for when Jake came trotting back and lent me a ride back to Emily's place with the rest of the pack on his back, once we made it I got off and went indoors hugging Emily then helped her make lunch for the boy's, she was greatful for the help although I told her that I wasn't going to be here today.

Sam)"[Y/N], you okay? Sorry for ruining your day off"

"No need to be sorry Sam, it wasn't you that ruined my day but Bella and her Cullen involvement that did, did she get home alright?"

Sam)"Yh Embry followed her to make sure, he should be back soon"

I gave a nod then went back to helping Emily with lunch then once it was done I went and placed the big plate filled with sandwiches on the table which the boy's quickly attacked fighting over it like the rabid animals they were, I got comfy in my armchair that I claimed as mine and the guy's know not to touch it otherwise I'll make them regret it.

Embry soon came through the doors and went straight for the food on the table before he spotted me quietly eating my food while looking at my phone and complemented that I looked nice today, after that most of the other guys said similar things asept from Sam and Paul, Sam because he was like a brother figure and Paul because he's a dick.

Once lunch was over I collected all the plates then took them into the kitchen and started to wash them up when I heard someone come in, I thought it was Emily or either Embry or Quil looking for some more food but when I didn't hear anything else I glanced over my shoulder to see that it was Paul, I was surprised to see him lent against the doorframe staring at me.

"Um can I help you?"

Paul)"Oh um"

He quickly looked away from my and moved from the doorway to the counter where he hopped up onto looked slightly nervous like he was nervous to be around me or something, I only shrugged and went back to washing the dishes, eventually he spoke up filling the awkward silence that once filled the room.

Paul)"I'm sorry if I've been acting like a dick to you recently, you kinda make me nervous and it pisses me off for some reason"

"I make you nervous? That's because I'm an Alpha Paul, I make everyone nervous. In fact either me or Jake was supposed to be the Alpha of this pack not Sam but I was generous enough to let him keep doing that he's doing, it's too much hassle for me"

Paul)"Why would you do that? Turn down being an Alpha I mean"

"Because being an Alpha was the reason why I lost somebody closet to me, I don't ever want to feel that again"

Silence once again filled the void and once I was done washing the dishes I turned around drying my hands on a towel as a sigh slipped out before I looked over to him not knowing what I should say so I went with the first thing I thought of.

"Listen, I'll asept your apology on one condition, we hang out sometime to get to know each other considering the others already know me more than you do"

Paul)"Really? Why would you want us to hang out for? I was a dick to you"

"Granted you were a complete and utter dick to me but I'd like to see past that, I think deep down your not that bad of a guy, you never know we might be more similar that you think"

I gave him a smile before walking out and grabbing my things saying my byes before leaving for home, although my quiet day was ruined it wasn't that bad, I'll admit it was unexpected for Paul to apologize to me but anything can happen in Fork's.

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