Baby! Baby?- Tata

Start from the beginning

Tata just raised an eyebrow looking down to me, "Why?" He asked confused

I placed my hand on his forehead, "Because what the fuck am I supposed to think bout babies?"

Tata smiled, "Bro, I'm just askin" He said

"I think babies are cute, what 'bout you?" I asked

He nodded, "They aight"

I nodded my head slowly, "Tata? What are you getting at, y'know what Niggah what's up? Did you get a bitch pregnant or something?" I asked

This made Tata laugh for some reason, and I don't know why cause I was being deadass. Tata placed his hands on my waist, bringing me closer to him; "I ain't get no other bitch pregnant Y/N, I think we should have a baby das it" He said

I stared at him for a hot minute because I really was just trying to understand, "Um what?"

Tata sighed, "Listen I been thinkin' we been together for a minute,  so let's have a baby"

"Where this comin' from? Did Kyle get someone pregnant and y'all niggah's want these kids to be homies or somethin?" I asked

"Bro it ain't 'bout nobody, I g-shit wanna have a baby with you"

I looked at him , "Look I'm grindin' hard right now, shows back to back, in the stu cookin' up shit doin' everything. We locked in for life, ain't goin nowhere" He said

"Ta you know a baby is a lot of work right? Like our lives gon change forever never goin back to the clubbing at 2 or 3 AM , we gotta teach the child things and move way different" I said

Tata nodded his head, "Trust me I've thought of that, I got everythin' figured out and I'm ready forreal." He said bringing me closer to him and hugging me

"Can I think about it?" I asked

Tata nodded his head, "Yeah of course" He said

>> 1 Week Later  <<

I opened the door to the apartment, and went straight to the bedroom pushing the door open Tata jumped up from the bed looking at me with wide eyes, "The hell you do that for?" He asked sitting up

I pointed to him, "You did that on purpose" I said

He raised an eyebrow, "What are you talkin' bout?"

"You asked me because your ass knew something"

"Look I didn't know what to get you so obviously I'm gon ask you" He said

After I didn't say anything he tilted his head, "Wait what the fuck are we talkin' bout?" He asked

Grabbing the box from my bag I threw it at him, and as he caught it he looked even more confused. "I ain't bought you nothin this small" He said looking at me

I mugged him, "Niggah read the box" I told him

He chuckled unwrapping the plastic bag, and then turning the box so that he could read it. I saw as his eyes widened and it seemed like he connected two and two together to make the fucking four. He dropped the box on the bed and put his hands up, "I swear I ain't know nothin' bout this, you said you was feelin sick just two days ago" He said

I pointed my finger at him, "You wear a condom the last time?" I asked

Mugging me he scoffed, "Niggah why would I wear a condom when you're the only girl I'm fucking" He asked

I groaned, "You-I- Ugh!"

I couldn't even formulate a sentence as I grabbed the box and went into the bathroom. I swear instead of being a rapper this niggah should be some sort of psychic or something. I did as the instructions said, I mean to be honest its not that difficult you're just pissing on a damn stick.

"Y/N you good?" He asked from outside the bathroom

I glared at the door, "Wouldn't you like to know" I said

He chuckled, "Listen I'm just tryna make sure you're okay its been a minute" He said

I scoffed, "Yeah, yeah, yeah Niggah it's your fault why I'm even in here so long in the first place" I muttered

"Stop bein so dramatic yo, and tell me what the thing says"

Rolling my eyes I looked down at the test, and didn't even really get a moment to really take in the results before the bathroom door opened and Tata entered. I looked at him, "Niggah the door was locked" I said pointing towards it

Tata nodded, "Yeah it don't work, I thought you knew that" He said coming next to me and reading the stick

"I'm sorry what now?" I asked

Looking at the smile that crept onto Tata's face, I just poked his shoulder. "How long has the lock been broken Tata?"

"You're pregnant" He said

My head immediately snapped to the test as I looked at it for real now, and the damned thing was positive. "Niggah" Was all that could come out because nothing else was in my mind in that moment.

"We're havin' a baby!" He yelled

I stared at him for a moment the news and confirmation still taking sometime to sink in, but you know what the one that at the top of mind was the bathroom door for some odd reason."Can we fix this bathroom door?"

Tata sighed, "Is that really important G?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah lil' Niggah it is how imma hide in the bathroom if the lock is broken?"


Alright y'all here's a Tata imagine I hope y'all like it, I find it funny and this is actually based off a real life situation of my homegirl😂😂 anyways hope y'all have a great day/night, and don't forget to : Vote, Comment/Message, and follow me love y'all lots🤍🫶🏽

- Melanin J🫶🏽

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