Not Playin - Dthang

Start from the beginning

"I'm not playin' with you" I muttered

"She straight up curving yo scrawny ass "Bando laughed

Turning round to face the two of them, I couldn't see his expression but by the way he stuck his hands in his pockets his attitude was clear. "Aight Niggah damn we leavin' " Bando said

" See you later Y/N" They called out

When Dthang finally turned back around he raised an eyebrow, "What?"He asked

I sighed, "What are we doing D?"I asked

"I'm trying to make you mine" He said

"The way you're moving is like you tryin' to make me ya baby moms"

He laughed, "Not yet"

Rolling my eyes, I pushed past him bumping him.All I could hear was his laughter and the sound of him jogging to meet up to me, "Y/N! Yo!I ain't serious, I was just tryna make you laugh"He said grabbing my hand and stopping me

"Well I'm not, ion want a niggah who's gon play with me Daniel"I told him as I looked into his eyes,the more we stood there the more I could feel myself slipping to him. I liked Dthang that shit was obvious, but I wasn't gonna make that obvious to him although to be honest I think he knows already.

"Look let's chill alright?We can go to the deli pick up some snacks and just chill no funny shit"

I looked down at Dthang's jacket that I was still wearing, "I'll only agree if you take your jacket back"

He closed his eyes for a moment,"Aight fine"

I undid his jacket,handing it back to him. "Alright let's go" I said walking

"Yo ain't nobody eva told you walkin' away from people ain'tnice" He asked

I chuckled, "I ain't walk away from people I walked away from you"

Dthang shook his head, as we continued walking towards the deli. As soon as Dthang opened the door I could feel the eyes immediately fall in our direction, "Imma go get the drinks"I told him

He nodded clenching his jaw, and disappearing down another aisle. Going down the aisle for the drinks I was probably in the aisle for less than a few minutes,before someone approached me. "You need help with anything?"they asked

Turning my head to see the figure, I chuckled shaking my head, "Nah I'm good thank you though" I told him

"My bad lil' Mama, just tryna help" He said raising his hands, "You single?"

"She ain't"

A small smile stared to appear on my face as I knew D had appeared, "You ha mans?" He asked

"You wanna walk outta here or crawl outta here?"

D walked closer to the both of us, and I placed my hand on his hands as they rested at the imprint of his gun. Looking back at l'boy he seemed to try not to panic as his eyes shifted there and then back at D, he backed up slowly before bumping into the chips rack and then running off.

Turning my head back up to Dthang I tilted my head, "You could've just used your words y'know"

He chuckled, "I did, I told him does he wanna walk or crawl outta here that's words enough"

I shook my head, "Right"

"You got what you needed?" He asked

I nodded my head, and stepped back from him turning to walk towards the counter. He ended up paying although we spent a good 5 minutes arguing because I didn't want him to pay for anything.

The two of us ended up walking back to his place , and when we got there he quickly jumped in front of his door. "Hol' up" He said standing in front of the door

I raised an eyebrow, "What? Got a smoochie in there or somethin'?" I asked crossing my arms

He shook his head, "Nah, I was go warn you 'bout the mess" He said before opening his door

When I walked in I saw the mess but it wasn't bad, to be honest its not even really a mess just the typical cups , jackets and shoes throw but not as bad as I thought it was going to be.

"It's not that bad" I said sitting on his couch

D came over throwing a blanket over my legs, I scrunched up my eyebrows looking up at him, "Niggah what is this for?" I asked motioning to the blanket

"You said yous okay with just chillin' so imma dead it now" He said sitting next to me and handing me my snacks

I chuckled, "How respectable"


Here's another one for y'all, hope you love this Dthang one and I will be writing a second part to this one I just wanted to get the initial one out. Also if there's any rappers y'all would like an imagine about let me know 😊Hope y'all enjoyed this and had an amazing day/night.

-Melanin J🫶🏽🤍

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