Arriving back at the firehouse, Herrmann's voice calls out to the paramedics, "Nicole, Dawson, Shay. Get over here, we have something for you. C'mon, let's go. Bring it out."

They see Cindy Herrmann and the Herrmann kids there unravelling a sign they made that says 'Thanks for saving our dad'.

"They obviously got their artistic skills from their mother," Herrmann tells them as they aw over the sign, "Hey guys, these are the ladies that saved my life. Give them a clap."

The kids clap as Cindy comes over and hugs them, Nicole easily hugging her back before opening her arms for the kids to hug her.


The house watched as Chief Walker draws on the whiteboard, "Darden was entering the attic window here while Squad 3 was conducting first floor search and rescue here. Fire started in the basement. Spread up into the kitchen. Now we all know fire's in a constant hunt for oxygen. Which is why we cut our vent point away from our entry point. No vent, and the fire's coming after us. What started in the basement, is now looking for a way out. A larger vent cut in the back of the house, the fire never would have made it upstairs."

"Kelly," Chief says as Kelly leaves the room. 

Nicole and Matt share a look before he shakes his head, telling her that he'll talk to him. She smiles, glad they are at least trying to get back on track.


Smiling, Nicole leans against the railing of their house as Matt grabs wood off the top of his truck, "You know, most people would spend their day off relaxing."

Matt chuckles, turning to look at her as he sets the wood down, "But you want that crown molding."

"At this moment, I want you in bed more. Home renovations can wait an hour," Nicole says, wrapping her arms around Matt's neck as he stands on the step below her.

"Only an hour? Come on, you know I'm good for at least three hours," Matt reminds her, kissing along her neck.

Nicole smirks, flipping her hair to the opposite side of where Matt's mouth is, "I think I may need a refresher."

She shrieks as Matt throws her over his shoulder and makes his way into the house, slamming the door behind him.


Next shift, Gabby and Nicole happily eat their sandwiches as Shay drives, "There's Willie, our favorite doorman. Willie!"

They shout his name, waving as he smiles and waves back, "We should flash him next time. Love that guy."

Nicole laughs, shaking her head, "Unprofessional."

"You only say no because Casey would get jealous at someone else seeing your rack."

"No," Nicole shakes her head, "It's just that I don't cover the hickies that are hidden by my uniform."

Shay laughs, shouting, "Get it girl!"

"Ambulance 61. Battery, 71 West Superior."

"Ambulance 61, responding," Shay radios as Nicole turns on the sirens.

Arriving at the call, the three push throw the crowd in the bar, spotting their patient on the ground with a head wound as he mumbles, "Oh, you got a nasty cut there."

"Get your hands off me," He pushes away from Nicole as she tries to examine him.

She holds her hands up and let's Gabby try, "Hey, we're with the CFD sir. We're here to fix you up."

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