An Unwanted Réunion

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Ace was in the Bodega with Rosalie

an the girls fixing up some boxes while Rosalie checked the items while the twins

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an the girls fixing up some boxes while Rosalie checked the items while the twins

an the girls fixing up some boxes while Rosalie checked the items while the twins

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were playing outside

"One two three four." The twins counted how many roses the gave a woman since the twins with help of their dad ace grow roses on the top of their building a year the twins would make sure the their rose would be good enough to sell to their neighbors

"Tenga un buen dia (have a nice day)" said Isabella waving while ili fixed there roses. On a bus from Auradon out stood the aks and vks

"Okay guys were here." Said Audrey checking her map on her pad

"It has changed." Said Ben, him an Rosa would come an visit her parents

"This is where she's from?" Mal questioned

"Much better from where you came." Audrey sassed Mal annoyed

"Anyways this way to her bodega."

"Bo-what?" Jay asked

"Her family store." Lonnie told him, as they walk Mal see people chatting an doing things that would make uncomfortable being away from the castle then they heard music an see a couple of people their ages blasting music out of a car

"Um excuse." Audrey asked but Ben held her back

"Audrey are you nuts? You can't asked them?"


"Eoi Mira mira lo que vino (hey look look what came?)" Said one of them noticing the aks and vks

"Ay Dios mio es El ex de Rosalie (Oh my god it's Rosalie ex)" Said a girl

"Baby daddy came back for her." Said another girl then a guy walked up an Ben knew him excalty

"Ben, Ben Beast Oh man five years an now you come back."

"I'm here cause I wanted to make sure my friends were fine."

"We are not friends." Audrey points out correcting Ben

"Anyways were here to see Rosalie."

"Oh she at her bodega."

"You mean her father bodega?" Ben asked

"No pendejo (dumbass) her bodega her father left it for her now she in charged of it."

"Well guys let's go." Audrey told the others as they followed Audrey Sofia and Anthony smirk

"His going to be real surprised." Once they made it to the Bodega they see two little girls giving roses to a couple an they payed them so they walked over


"Hello I'm isa." Said the first one

"And I'm ili." Said the second one

"Hi little ones are you Rosalie sisters." Asked Ben confusing the twins

"You mean our mommy?" Asked isa that shocked them especially Ben then they see a guy walk out

"You mean our mommy?" Asked isa that shocked them especially Ben then they see a guy walk out

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"Papi" the twins said running over hugging him

"Hey dolls what...." Then he noticed Ben

"What are you doing here?"

"And you are?" Ben asked not knowing him, the guy rolled his eyes

"Anyways your looking for Rosalie huh?" He asked them

"Yes do you know where she is?" Audrey asked him

"Um she's inside.' They all go in an see her fixing items

"Hey rose?"

"Yes....." when Rosalie turns around she was stunned to see her friends and the core along with the actual father of the twins

"Rosie." Audrey hugs her best friend

"Audrey I see you changed."


"Chad, Jane, Lonnie and Doug I missed you guys." Rosalie hugs them then when she gets to Ben steps back

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see my best friend again who hasn't called or texted anything about herself since she left."

"Oh my bad guys I changed phone number and we'll got a new phone."

"Mama mama who are these people?" Came in Isabella asking her mom as ilianna hide behind ace leg scared

"Um no mija these are my friends well some are."

"Oh hola." Ben saw the similarities between them as he walked up ace puts his hand on his shoulder pulling her to his side confusing Ben

"Yeah don't touch my daughter, stange guy." Ace smirk at Ben who glared at him

"Ay um welcome to the heights." Rosalie told them trying to make light of the awkward situation.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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