Fwiend (Part 2...)

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(So my friend made a fanfic about 'Us' and I feel like I should help her out- *cough* anyways- shout out to @imkinddasus and enjoy... sorry for not asking- you needed help- um-)


Text of speech: 

Bruhboi: "Killz?"

Killer (aka imkinddasus): >"Life is like a brick in the face:<

The noot: ◇"Aggressive much?"◇

Cross: ×"Dancing in my roooom! Swaying my feet"×

Ccino: +"I have Tea :3"+

Horror: ÷"DuSt D:"÷

Dust: ["Nope"]

Color: _"Don't be suspicious~ Don't be surprised~"_

Epic (aka Bruhs dad): ="Oh. My. BRUHHH!"=

(Hope that helps)


/BruhBois pov\ 

I heard NM say those words to me... But I wasn't my fault- was it-

I coughed more and more... my vision got blurry as I saw someone... I couldn't do any shit- 

"Dad?" I whimpered as I passed out

>-----:Some time later:-----<

/Colors pov\ 

_"so I found your kid-"_ I said 

Epic was just there like 'how tf did you find them'

="Where are they bruh!"= 

_"um- somewhere"_

>-----:With the noot:------<

◇"So I killed my brother today"◇

+"Which one?"+

◇"the fuzzy one"◇

+"Oh! Wolfy? Oh yeah- they're my best customer... beside you"+

◇"hm... I see- I'm gonna kill them more"◇



>-------:Idk anymore:-------<

Bruh woke up as they were on they're bed... they shook they're head... "wtf- where's Cro-"



_"Color! :D"_

Epic ran up to Bruh and hugged them 

="Oh my bruh! I missed you so much!"=


_"No? He's not? Sci revived him..."_


Cross slammed open the door ×"WHERES BRUH!?"× 


×"ummmm- No what?"×

"Don't you come near me yo-"

>"OI! WHERE TF IS MY FRIEND!"< Killz yeeted Cross out a window... >"AND FUCK YOU TOO"<


Killz pushed Epic out the way >"your alive?"<


>"well your in a dream"<

"Ah waht"

>"a dreammm"< 

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