chapter two

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[willow's pov]

johnson and james are @historicfics_10's characters.

i wake up with the sun shining in my face, i groan softly and rub my eyes. 

usually my mother and father wake me up, but for some reason they didn't. i shrugged it off, assuming they were just having a really interesting dream. 

i hopped off my bed, and walked to their room, pushing the door open softly to my mother laying on the bed and my father on the edge, it looked like he was sitting on the floor and just resting his head on the bed. 

i crawled on the bed, "mama?"

no response, so i gently shook her. still nothing.

i huffed and crawled off the bed and over to my father, shaking his arm. "papa? c'mon- wake up!", i whined. after several failed attempts i finally gave up and go back to my room to dress myself. i think my parents would be proud that i can dress up all by myself, it's been one of the things they've been teaching since they got busy.

i grabbed my teddy bear, wanting to bring it with me. my father made it for me, saying would protect me from all the evil in the world.

i left the house and knock on the neighbor's door gently. 

a tall man opens the door, and kneels down to match my height. "ah, willow! what are you doing alone? shouldn't you be at school?"

"mhm! but my parents were sleeping and-"

"ah, i see.." he sighed, cutting me off. "they have been stressed lately, haven't then? right then, i'll get you to school. "

he lead me to his carriage and gently lifted me onto the seats, while were we riding the school, he let me take control of the horses but only for a second. 

once we arrived, he helped me off. "have a good day at school, your parents should be the ones to pick you up." he smiled, before leaving.

[after school]

after school, i was standing with my friend james.

he was waiting from his brother, so was i. usually my parents would pick me up, but i have seen no sign of them, and i'm sure they wouldn't mind me staying with my friend tonight.

"james! there you are.." i heard his brother call, james smiled upon seeing his brother, he grabbed my hand, so that i would run with him to greet his brother.

"jonny!! this is my friend, willow," he smiled, gesturing towards me, "can she stay with us tonight, please?"

"well that depends, does she have permission from her parents?" his brother asked softly.

"she said her parents wouldn't wake up." james replied, i nodded in agreement, adding in that i thought they were just having a good dream or stressed from work like my neighbor told me.

his smiled turned into small frown but only for a few seconds as if he didn't want us to notice, "well, i suppose she can stay the night with us then..come along you two, we need to get home so that i can fix you two supper." 

"what are we having?" james asked tilting his head.

"soup," his brother replied, smiling.

"yay! c'mon willow, my brother makes the best soup!" james cheered, grabbing my hand again.

 me and him walked side by side, his brother following behind us. 

once we arrived, james took me to his bedroom so we could talk and play some games until we were called for dinner, and james was right. his brother really does make the best soup. 

after we ate, we went back to his room to play a few more games until johnson informed us it was time for bed.

[few hour time skip]

i woke up in the middle of the night, and crept into the living room where johnson was working on something. 

he glanced up, noticing me. "what are you doing up so late?"

"i just woke up," i yawned, climbing onto the couch with him, "what are you doing?"

"knitting a shirt for you for tomorrow, after school, we'll go check up on your parents and grab some of your belongings so you can stay the night for a little loner, okay?"

"okay!" i smiled, i was really excited to see my parents again and tell them about all the fun i had." 

"so.. tell me again, you parents were sleeping and wouldn't wake up, right?"

"mhm, my mama was asleep in the bed, and my papa was sitting on the floor resting his head on the bed."

"i see.." johnson sighed softly, setting the shirt aside. 

after a  moment of silence, he spoke again, "can i brush your hair, willow?"

i nodded, he brushed my hair and we talked a little more before he sent me to bed.

[next day, after school]

after school, i lead johnson and james to my house so that johnson would be able to check on my parents while me and james waited outside in my backyard, making flower crowns with the flowers from my mama's garden, we also ate a few berries that she was growing as well. 

johnson came to get us, holding most of my belongings in a basket my parents owned, "come on, you two. when we get home, i need to talk to willow alone."

i was rather confused, but didn't feel a need to question it.

when we arrived, james went up to his room but i stayed on the couch with johnson.

"your parents are up in the sky, just like my mother.." johnson sighed. 

"oh.. can we go see them?" i didn't realize it was possible to get to the sky,  but it seemed fun! i've always wanted to touch the clouds, i bet their soft, like a blanket, but i don't know why they would leave without saying goodbye. 

maybe they were really excited and forgot to do so. 

"i'm afraid not, willow. not right now, atleast.." he sounded sad, but i don't really understand why. 

"oh.. when are they coming back?" i asked, but johnson didn't answer my question. instead he just hugged me, i hugged back. 

i wasn't too worried, they were gonna come back soon, they wouln't just leave me. 

johnson pulled away from the hug and ruffled my hair softly, "go and get james, you two get to help me make supper tonight." 

i grinned and rushed to james room to get hi, me and him helped johnson cook the food and set the table. it was really fun to do. johnson informed that i would be staying with them for a while, it was almost as if they were a second family. 

i really like to think of it that way, i finally have two brothers to play with.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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