I will be there with you

Start from the beginning

* a few hours pass*

Georgia- well now i want to know how your first kiss went kei!

Keira- well so uhm we where walking in the rain that day and i was carrying luce and when i put her down for a second and then we looked at eachother and then luce shoot her shot, oh and like 15 seconds later you all showed up.

Leah- but when that happened jordan was with me? how did you know jords?

jordan- oh i kinda walked in on them laying in bed togehter.


Lucy- HO WAIT just to clarify, we didn actually sleep together, just slept in the same bed.

jordan- after that they were like teenagers, kissing the moment they where alone, i saw them doing it all the time, leah you remember that time when we walked into the elevator and they where getting all red and stuff? that was bc they where fully making out in that lift, oh and when we went for a walk but we ended up not going you remember that? i bet you that they weren't having having a pillowfight, instead they had a tongue fight i think. oh and did any of you notice them sneaking of during dinner and then coming back all red and smirking? how did y'all miss that?

Leah- oh my god, you two can't resist yourself! how did i miss all of that. OH i bet that you kissed on that movie night to!

Lucy- yep you're right. now, if you excuse me i have to pack for surgery, Keira will you please help me?

Keira- Yeah ofcourse, speak to you later girls!

Leah- bye, see you in a bit! oh and don't go and kiss in a closet this time or you will be late!!

Lucy- oh shut up lee!

*lucy's pov*

*while packing*

i don't know if i should ask this but i think i need to, Lucy- so kei, was i your first kiss? i ask her shyly. Keira- well uhm yeah, georgia kinda spit that out didn't she, i was meant to tell you but i thought it didn't really matter anymore. Lucy- hey it's totally fine, you are mine to''. her reaction was totally different than what i had expected, she looks in shock. Lucy- huh what's up? Keira- oh uhm sorry i was just confused, i don't get it, you are gorgeous so how did nobody ever kiss you before? Lucy- well people tried to kiss me but i always kinda declined them, i have liked you for ages kei, so i wanted you to be my first kiss. so when i saw how you where looking at me that day i knew that that was my chance to shoot my shot. Keira- well that makes two of us then. but what would you have done if i rejected you? Lucy- i would probably isolate myself and cry for days. Keira- well kinda sounds like something that you would do yeah. but hey i didn't reject you so why don't you just kiss me right now?

i was confused by the sudden urge but didn't reject her offer, this time the kiss felt more urgent asking for more, way more passionate than all the other. before anything else could happen leah and jordan ruind the moment again. Leah- oi mates get a grip on yourself would ya? Keira- Blushing* yeah okay, what are you doing here? Jordan- this is our room too, remember? but uhm lucy your cab to the hospital is downstairs waiting for ya, we tried calling you but i see that you where too busy doing other things. Lucy- ah okay thanks, kei will you come with me? Keira- ofcourse luce.

we sit in silence on our way to the hospital, it isn't a akward silence but more of an comfortable one, we sit next to eacother and keira her fingers are slowly stroking over my leg, she noticed i was anxious about surgery i think. when we arrive at the hospital my parents are already there, the don't look suprised that keira is with me. as we are catching up with my parents i get called up to my room. when we arrive the nurse tells me that only 1 person can be in the room with me in the first few hours before and after my surgery. i look at my mom then my dad and then keira, Lucy- uhm sorry mum and dad but i would like keira to stay with me please, parents- that is totally fine hun, we will come visit tomorrow. Lucy- okay see you tomorrow, Keira- goodbye mr & ms bronze! Mom- oh hun you can call us by our first names, see you next time ladies! i think we are gonna see you two way more together than this aren't we? Lucy- yes mom you're right, now please go, you're embarissing me! i look at keira her smiling face lucy- oh shut up, yeah i talked to her about you. i really love you that much. Nurse- i really hate to ruin the moment but we need to get you an an IV and you need to take some meds. Keira- it's okay, thank you for looking after her! Nurse- No problem! Here you need to take the pills and then i will get the IV ready.

*Keira's POV*

it's getting late but lucy her surgery is in half anhour so i need to stay awake for a little while more, but i can do that, lucy noticed my tiredness but before she could say anything an other nurse walked in nurse- okay so miss walsh if you would like to spend the night here you can push on the button next to the chair so it will fold out and we will get you a pillow and blanket. Keira- yes i would like to stay, thanks! the nurse walks out and i turn to lucy, smiling. Lucy- don't worry i already brought you some clothes, you can my shorts and my sweater from my backpack! Keira- thanks luce! i say before giving her a little peck and then i get up to change. just when i'm done changing there is a knock on the door. Lucy- come in! four nurses walk into the room, one of them is carrying my pillow and sheets. Nurse- okay so it's time for surgery. for imformation, the surgery will last about 3 hours and then you will wake up from anesthesia in the morning. Keira- good luck luce! you can do this, i love you, i say that to her and give her a kiss on her forehead. Lucy- thanks babe, don't worry to much about me and try to get some sleep. love you too ! see you later.

and just like that she was gone of to surgery, i make up my bed and try to go to sleep, and i know that it's only been a couple times but falling asleep without lucy her arms around me feels weird. altough it felt weird, i manage to fall asleep.

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