Chapter 3

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The next morning:

Nobody POV:

It's 8 am and Wednesday is waking up, "Hm. Morning already it seems." she mumbles looking over at the bubbly girl on the other side of the room, who is still dead asleep. Wednesday looks over at her clock to see the time. 'it's 8 am, might as well get ready for the day.' She gets up and looks over to her desk where Thing is still sleep. After picking out a casual outfit she goes to shower after. It was 20 minutes since she got up and got into the shower. 'Let's see if Enid and Thing are awake or not' As she is ready she walks out the bathroom to the two others still sleeping. "ugh it is 8:30 they need to wake up." She says with a sigh. Wednesday walk over to the sleeping blonde and crouches down to her ear. "Wake.Up." She says a bit louder than usual. "AHHHH, I'm awake, i'm awake dont hurt me." She yells as she shoots up. "It's 8:30 in the morning wake up." Wednesday says to the newly awaken blonde. "Oh, well, Good morning Wednesday." She says getting up and stretching. "Good morning." Wednesday says as she walks over to her bed  and grabs a book.

*Time skip cause im to lazy*

Enid POV:

"So now that i'm dressed do you wanna go to the cafe at 10:30 meet up at the gates at 10." I say looking over at Wednesday reading. It is now 9am and Yoko texted me she wanted to talk for a minute. "That will be fine. Don't. Be. Late." Wednesday says in a scary voice. "I wouldn't dare, i'm heading to YOko's for a little while i'll see you at 10." I say grabbing my keys and all my stuff. "Alright." Wednesday says as I walk out of the door. I text Yoko i'm on my way to her room. I arrive at Yoko's room in 5 minutes since it is a bit far from me and Wednesday's room. I knock and hear a big crash and "I GOT IT" Yells Yoko from inside and she opens the door her hair messed up. "You good?" I ask looking at the pile of books and paper everywhere. "Yep." She says smiling. "Hi Bianca." I wave as Bianca is sitting up on her bed. "Hey Enid, how are you?" She asks, "Oh, i'm good, how are you ?" I ask, "I'm doing fine, just a bit tired you know but me and Yoko got to know." Bianca says before Yoko buts in, "What is it like to have Wednesday Addams as your roommate?" Yoko says excitedly. 

"It's good she is a bit quite but it okay." I say looking at the girls. "Had an incident though, um.... someone threw blood and guts on our balcony and I passed out and she took me to the infirmary." I say still freaked out about it. "Oh shit yeah we heard about that. Are you okay that must have been scary." Yoko says patting my back as we sit down on Bianca's bed. "Yeah it was just scary, Wednesday was asleep and I was just scrolling through some blogs and i heard three bangs and I screamed for Wednesday and then we looked outside and I passed out." I say kinda embarrassed. "I wonder why that happened on the first day that Addams shows up?" Bianca says with confusion and curiosity. "I don't know but me and her are going out to the cafe today at 10:30 but i'm meeting her at the gates at 10 so in like 30 minutes." I say looking at the time. "Nice, that should be fun some roommate bonding." Yoko says. "Yeah i hope so she is super distant so I really wanna make her my friend but i'm not sure how." I say conflicted. I really wanna be her friend but she is so hard to crack and she seems so distant and just sealed off. Maybe I can just spend more time with her, or I can make her something, ooo maybe we can do something together like go shopping, maybe go explore the forest a bit since she likes creepy stuff...

 "Enid you there." Bianca says breaking my thoughts, "Oh, sorry I got caught up thinking." I say looking at the floor, "It's okay, but I think you should go it is 9:50, and you got to meet Wednesday at the gates in 10 minutes." Yoko says pointing at their clock. "Oh, yep I do, well I'll talk to you girls later, be," I say walking out of the room with a wave as I rush to get down to the gates. I arrive at the gates at exactly 10 am. "Perfect," I say walking over to Wednesday and leaning against the wall. "Hey, you ready to go," I say excitedly. "You're on time good job, yes let's go." She says leaning off the wall and walking beside me. "SO. What do you like to do other than read, and work on your novel." I ask looking over at her. "I tolerate watching horror films, I enjoy solving unsolved murder mysteries." She says bluntly. "That's cool," I say as we head into town. "I like to read as well, I love to listen to k-pop and I like to paint," I say looking over at her as we continue to the cafe. 

"That sounds fine, painting is a very adequate skill to have." She says as we enter the cafe. "Welcome in sit anywhere you like I'll be with you in a moment Tyler the guy who normally works here says. "We should sit over there it has the best view of the town square," I say pointing at booth three from the back. "Ok," Wednesday says as we walk over and sit down. "Good morning Enid, and who is this? Welcome my name is Tyler." Tyler says looking at Wednesday with interest? Weird why is Tyler looking at Wednesday like that? Maybe cause she's new in town I guess. "Hello, I am Wednesday Addams." Wednesday says shaking Tyler's hand. "So what would you guys like today?" He asks, "I will take a ice coffee with cream and sugar." I say, "I will take a Black coffee." Wednesday says. "Alright you guys that'll be a couple minutes." Tyler says walking off to make our drinks. "So how have you liked Nevermore so far?" I ask Wednesday who is looking out the window. "I suppose it is fine, though i have found interest in what happened at our dorm the other day and what has happened with the photos." She says looking at me with a deadpan face but with a hint of excitement in her eyes for only a split second. 

"That's nice, although i am a bit scared on what the hell happened and if something more will come because those photos are not the most non-stalker like I guess." I say as Tyler is heading back with our drinks. "Here you guys go, your drinks a Ice coffee with cream and sugar and a black coffee." Tyler says putting our drinks by each of us. "Thank you." I say taking a sip, "Thanks." Wednesday says as she goes back to look out the window while taking a sip of her drink, "Of course just let me know if you need anything else." Tyler says walking back behind the counter to take more orders. "So, Wednesday, can you tell me about what you've found so far on the stuff that has happened with our dorm?" I ask as she turns her head to look at me, "Sure, So far i have no suspect, but the blood wasn't real, the photos are of us when you were giving me the tour of the school. I not sure on, why this would happen. Has this happened to you before?" Wednesday asks me when we start to finish our drinks. "No, it hasn't that's why it scared me so bad and again thank you for taking care of me when I fainted I didn't mean to... since I haven't wolfed out i'm not used to blood." I say shyly as we finish our drinks

"It's alright. Let's go pay shall we?" Wednesday says as we stand up and walk over to Tyler at the cash register. "Hey girls, you ready to pay?" Tyley asks pulling up the cost, "Yep, thanks Tyler." I say, "Alright that'll be $10.38 for the drinks." Tyler says as I pull the cash out and pay him including a tip. "See you guys later." Tyler says as we start to walk out. "So did you have fun?" I ask Wednesday who i looking around the town. "I had a acceptable time ,thank you." She says as we walk. "So where to next?" I ask her as we just walk around the town. "Let's go into the woods maybe we'll find something intriguing." She says as we walk to the edge of the town and the trees begin to fade in. "sure, why not." I say as we start to head into the woods.  

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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