Chapter 2

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Nobody's POV:

Wednesday woke up to a tap on her shoulder. As she started to sit up she sees Thing and Enid on the bed in the infirmary. "Are you okay?" Enid asked looking at Wednesday. "Yes I'm fine just tired." Wednesday says. "What happened last night all I remember is that there was blood on the balcony." Enid says looking at Wednesday and thing. "You are correct, you fainted and I was able to catch you and put you on my bed, then I went to go get Weems and tell her what was happening she said it was real blood and that we will be able to get into our room after it is cleaned up." Wednesday said fixing her hair and standing up. "Do we still not know who has done it?" Enid asks standing up fixing herself. "No." Wednesday said. "Ah, ladies you are up good." Ms. Weems says walking into the infirmary. "We haven't found who has done this to your room but it is all cleaned up so you may go back and get ready for your classes." She says waving and walking out.  

Enid POV: 

"So I guess we should get going so we aren't late to class." I say skipping out of the infirmary to our room. I'm worried this might happen again, was it just a coincidence or was it targeted? We get to the room as Wednesday walks in front of me to open the door. "Let's hurry we don't have much time to get ready." I say as i rush in to grab my uniform and run into the bathroom to change quickly. Ok ready, it's gonna be a good day. "Enid we must go we are going to be late I will leave you here." Wednesday says from the room. "I'm coming" I yell jumping out the bathroom trying to put on my shoe. "You look like an imbecile." She says walking out the door as Thing jumps in her bag. "Hey! Don't just leave." I yell out as she keeps walking. 

"Hey, Enid." I hear Ajax from behind me. "Hi Ajax you wanna walk to class with me." I say not noticing that Wednesday had stopped behind me. "Sure let's go." He says as he starts to walk closer to me. I turn around. "AHH. Shit, Wednesday you scared the shit outta me I thought you left to go to class." I say as I step back because I almost ran into her. "I waited now, lets go." She says turning and walking away. "ok then" I say quietly as I urn to Ajax. "She's weird." He says as we walk to the class. "Hey, Yoko." I wave to Yoko and go sit by her as Wednesday goes to sit by Xavier. "Hey, Enid is your new roomie in this class?" Yoko asks. "yeah she is right there, her name is Wednesday Addams." I say pointing at Wednesday who squished Xavier's drawing into dust. "Interesting." She says as the teacher walks in. "Very" I mutter. 

After class:

"So how did you like class." I asked Wednesday as we start to walk to the lunch area. "It was rather boring. I prefer chemistry, testing chemicals on my test subjects." She says with no emotion. "Interesting, well here we are. You can sit with me if you would like." I say going to grab some food. "Ok." She says going to get something else. "Oh isn't it Enid, you wolf out yet." Some werewolves from another pack says. "Go away and leave me alone." I say grabbing my lunch while walking away but I got surrounded. "Ahh, you ain't no werewolf you're just a normie aren't you it suits you better than werewolf." Another one joined in. "Leave Me Alone I am a werewolf, i'm just a late bloomer." I say loudly. 

"Sure you are." The leader says. "Well we'll see you later normie." They say walking away pushing me to the ground. "Hey, are you okay." Ajax says putting his hand out to help me up. "Umm. yeah just some other werewolves giving me a hard time it's fine i'm pretty used to it." I say as he helps me up. "Who, were they?" A pissed off Wednesday asks. "Oh hi Wednesday. It was no one just some werewolves. Don't worry about it." I say turning around. "ok." She says still pissed off. "So are we going to go eat." She asks. "Oh yeah lets go." I say laughing as we go sit by Yoko. 

"Hello, my name is Yoko." Yoko says holding her hand out to Wednesday. "Wednesday Addams." She says shaking her hand uncomfortably. "So how do you like Nevermore." Yoko asks Wednesday, "it's fine." She says, "So Enid how has your day been" Yoko asks me. "It's been great. how has yours been?" I say. "It's been pretty good I passed my test i took last week." She says as everyone stands up to leave. "That's great well i'll see you later." I say, "So Wednesday, would you like to go to the fencing room with me." I ask as she looks up from her book she was reading during lunch. "Sure." She says. 

[After the fencing stuff and school cause i'm too lazy to type it all out.]    

"So how was your day?" I ask as Wednesday sits down at her desk with her typewriter. "It was fine." She says typing away. "What are you doing?" I ask as i bolt over to her, to look over her shoulder. "I spend an hour on my novel each day." She says not looking at me still typing. "Oh, that's cool." I say as I walk over to my side and go on my phone. "I'll be out on the balcony if you need me." Wednesday says walking out the window. I hope that we don't have to deal with more shit cause yesterday was scary. "Enid, come here." Wednesday says coming into the room holding an envelope, "What's up?" I ask walking over to her. "I found this on our balcony." She said holding up the envelope. "Did you open it?" I ask nervously. "No. We should both be here to open it just in case." She says as we both are in the center of the room. "Ok." I say as Wednesday starts to open the envelope. What is this there, I hope it is just a note or something like that. As I am thinking, photos fall out of the envelope. 

"Photos?" I say surprised until i look down. "Wednesday." I say kneeling now and shaking. "I can see Enid, Who took them?" She asks also kneeling to look at the the photos of us. "It's us, yesterday and today, there is even one with us in the infirmary asleep, what the hell is happening this is not okay who did this." I start to say fastly as Wednesday picks the photos up and puts them on a board on her side. "What is that a friendship board from weird stalkers." I say sarcastically until she hands me more photos. "It's actually how i'm trying to figure out what is happening, I just arrived two days ago this interesting." She says pinning them on. i look down at the photos, its photos from the balcony yesterday covered in blood. "This is disturbing." I say handing her the photos back. "Not really, i'm trying to solve this mystery," She says calmly pinning them back up. 

" wanna go to the coffee shop with me tomorrow since we don't have school?" Iask trying to change the topic. "Sure." She says walking over to her desk to do homework and continue on her novel. "All right." I say excited. 


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