He scoffed. “We were never friends. Just admit that you were using me and that the whole relationship was just another one of your flings. It meant nothing to you. You’re a bitch Callan. You always have been.”

            The way he spoke to me was like a knife in the gut. I wasn’t prepared for Mark to react the way he just did. It hurt. The last thing I expected was for him to feel as strongly as he did about the entire situation. “It did mean something.” I said quietly, looking at my feet. I really did like him and I didn’t understand why he didn’t believe me.

            “Stop lying. I bet you did sleep with Aiden while we were together. You’re a fucking whore and you always will be. You play with people and one day you’ll get what’s coming to you.” He dragged Shelly away with him and I didn’t bother to look at her triumphant face as they walked away together.

            That was another knife in my gut. He called me a whore, a ‘fucking whore’ to be exact. I didn’t know he had been that hurt. I thought he understood why I couldn’t return his feelings. And I never expected him to treat me with such animosity. He treated me like every other girl did; only it felt worse because I actually cared about him. He hated me now and it was my entire fault. What was wrong with me?

            My eyes were beginning to water.

            “Callie, are you okay?” I heard Hailey ask in a gentle voice that I didn’t deserve from her.

            “I’m fine.” I pushed back the tears.

            “Are you sure?” Lynn asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

            “I’m really fine.” I insisted. Neither Hailey nor Lynn looked as if they believed me. I guessed that for once, my emotions were written across my face.

            “He was being a total dick just now.” Anna even chipped in as she stood off to the side. Kim stood next to her. I looked over at her and she was looking away, but I smiled at her small rare gesture of sympathy.

            “You should ignore him.” Kim said.

I welcomed their sympathy, but I wasn’t used to it. Usually I wasn’t the one who needed sympathy. Usually, I was a lot more composed. But Mark’s newfound hate for me really bothered me. I already knew this was what caring about a guy did to you, but it had been a long while since I experienced it.

            “Should we shop away the pain?” Hailey asked.

            I looked at the bright cheery face she had put on for my sake and suddenly Mark seemed right. I was a fucking whore for all the lying I was doing to my friends, but I didn’t want to lose them because I knew that if they knew what I had done, they would abandon me. Now, I wanted to cry all over again, but I didn’t. Pushing a smile onto my face, I nodded.

            “Yeah.” I said and we continued across the mall.

            When we got to the next store we searched around for dresses. I was mainly just skimming over them, not really in the mood to shop.

            “Hey, Callan. I think you should try this one on.” Lynn said, handing me a dark violet halter dress. When I just stared at it, she began dragging me to the dressing room and shoved me in with the dress.

            Even though I was pointless, I put the dress on. It was a short muted red baby doll dress with white accents. The back was open and it had a plunging neckline. The more I looked at myself in the mirror, the more I started to like it.

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