Part Two: One Normal Night

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"The spider boy?! You're kidding me!"

Maxwell turns from the shadow manipulator to Wendy, his face full of confused disgust. He shouts his words knowing very well that nobody will hear them; he likes to live away from the common folk.

"Cast your judgment some other day. I need something from you."

Wendy remains confident in her stance and attitude, Abigail floats beside her for support. Wendy speaks unabashedly, expecting backlash from her uncle.
The magician groans, turning back to the shadow manipulator.

"Great. You come here bringing me this awful news and now you want something from me. As if today couldn't get any worse."

Wendy walks closer to Maxwell, speaking stronger than before.

"I'm serious. I need your help."

"Jeez... couldn't you have fallen in love with a normal kid?" Maxwell waves his hand in the air, churning another gripe. "Like uh... that Walter kid! He isn't a monster! And better yet, he isn't Wilson's kid!"

Wendy sighs, tossing aside her previous thought to answer Maxwell's question. She shakes her head disapprovingly, speaking with not an ounce of care.

"If I had to court anybody other than Webber, I'd simply up and die from boredom."

"Ugh... I can't believe we're related."

Maxwell moves away from the shadow manipulator, grabbing something from a nearby chest. Wendy and Abigail follow him and block his path back to the manipulator.

"The issue still stands. I need you to help me with Webber."

"With Webber? What, do you want me to make you a love potion?

"No! Listen to me!"

Maxwell turns away from the chest, looking towards Wendy. He stands up straight and crosses his arms, saying nothing as his judgemental stare lingers.
Wendy gets the memo. She speaks again, her every word calculated and rehearsed.

"Help me express my feelings towards Webber in a way that makes sense."

Maxwell lifts an eyebrow, remaining silent.

"I like him. But I don't know how to show him that. You must teach me."

Wendy recalls the events that transpired in the morning. The memory makes her warm inside, but a part of her still can't remember how they got to that point. If she can't make that happen again, then nothing else will.
Maxwell drops his act, putting his hands on his waist while speaking as understanding as possible.

"Kid, why me? Shouldn't you ask Wickerbottom or uh, Willow? I'm sure they understand courting better than me."

"I don't want the other survivors to know about our relationship. I know you won't tell them."

Maxwell almost shoots back a comical retort when the passive insult hits him.

"... Uh huh. That's because I don't talk to anybody, right?"

"Of course. You are the loneliest person I know."

Maxwell rolls his eyes, speaking while walking past Wendy and Abigail to the shadow manipulator; they let him pass.

"Thanks kid, you're really putting me on cloud nine." Maxwell tries to work with the manipulator, but he can only sight and turn back to Wendy, crossing his arms as he looks at the ghastly twins. "Okay, I'll help you. But, on one condition."
Wendy nods, ready for whatever. Knowing him, Maxwell could ask an assortment of things. Shadow fuel, beard hair, spider glands...

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