Chapter 10

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Logan :

Love xx It wasnt my fault it's not what its seems xx

how dare that asshole call me love i hate him he's just like jake what the hell do guys think .they think everything will be just fine after that i mean at least why donnt they put themselves in my shoes

then they'll probably understand.

Heather always took everything from me .

My friends prefer her over me.

She always was at the top for other people , she was the teacher's favorite

While the teacher hated me !

I bought myself a knew phone after that .

It was an IPhone and i downloaded all of my music.

I sat down at my comfy comferter and started eating my chocolate strawberries.

When i finished them i finished my chocolate cake and my Chocolate Nachos.

I was full.

I decided to turn on the tv i was watching cartoons.

That brought me back to how my life was compared to how it is now.

I used to laugh be happy and i had many friends and i would remember those summer days with my friends going to the pool the warm crispy sun shining in my wet body.

The cool rain driping while me and friends would try to catch water drops.

How i used to be happy.

How i wish i can re live my life.

I remeber how my friend Lara would be always by my side until..... Her parents divorced and she had to move away.

Then that is how heather came in .

After she came i started hanging out with her i would do what she did  cause i admire her .

After that she seem to drain my happiness away .

People forgot about me and focus on her .

I came back to earth as my cousin brooke knocked at my door asking if she could come in 

"Come in ", i said

" i was wondering if you wanted to come to a party with me and my friends", brooke said sitting down at the couch.

" Sure ", i said.

" Great ! Be ready at 5:00 ", Brooke said.

" Ok ", i said standing up.

"But before that come to my room i bought you some dresses ", brooke said standing up and dragging me to her room.

She opened her closet .

She had many pretty dresses she had a lace dress.

A Leather red dress.

A blue dress that was flown at the bottom with a losse cut at the top and flowers around the back , it had a sort of neckalce at the top.

Then i saw the Most prettiest dress It was a shiny black dress with a square top and it had a bow at the back, ending close to the hips . It also had a opening at the back.

It was pretty i bit my lip i was nervous .

I dint want to tell brooke that i wanted that i would sound like a whiny girl asking for more and more .

But brooke had plans for herself she got me another dress it was A dress reaching up to my collar bone and it finished at my thigh. It was purple and it fit just right on me not too tight but just right.

I felt comfortable in it brooke told me that we were having dinner early or lunch whatever you call it .

Brooke gave me the dress and i went to put it in my room i liked the dress it was pretty.  But i liked my choose of dress better.

After Dinner I went to my room and found the dress that i liked in my room the dress that i choose not brooke.

Brooke knew me alot.

I put on the dress and oh my i seemed so different.

I looked like a beatiful godess, the dress showed of my curves and it was just pretty.

I looked so different.

I Curled my hair after that and put on some blush and eyeliner and mascara and some foundation.

I Looked so different.

at least in make-up i look pretty and it covers my ugly face... it always has.

The dress made my hazel eyes stand out i think that is the only thing i like about myself my eyes.

I went down the stairs and i felt like a princess coming down the stairs.

At least in my dreams i was a princess....

I used to think when i was older i would get a boyfriend fall in love and have the most cutest boyfriend ever ,that he will wake me up with a message saying hey beautiful, and he would cheer me up when im down.

But that dream was so long gone.

It will never happen.

But all i could do was hope.

But my hope was draining down.

I was waiting for brooke to finish getting ready and there she came out her blonde-brown hair looked so pretty and her blue eyes or gray-ish blue-ish eyes stood out with her white dress.

She was pretty , everybody seem so pretty compared to me.

At the party :

I was already inside it was like a house party there were alot of older people.

Let me tell you im 17 1/2 . And they the teens in here looked so much older than me but i guess i looked older than i was suppose to look like.

I bumped into a curly hair guy .

He had curly hair and he was wearing a benie.

"sorry", he said in a bristish accent 

His voice seem so calm.

"It's alright", i said.

Then he left i guess he needed to go somewhere.

I keeped on walking towards the drink stand and i couldnt find water so i just drank some vodka.

The vodka seemed so hot on my tounge.

But i still drank it.

I started feeling in the mood of dancing i started dancing i was so intoxicated i didnt know what i was doing everything seem to go so fast.

I started dancing with a stranger. He had curly hair and green eyes .

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