Chapter 6 :)

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Well now that i know logan meet my ....friend....heather.

I decided to not call her my best friend anymore she is now a friend.

How could they have meet ?

i wondered.

Possibly logan is going to start liking her ,like usually the guys do.


I Despise that.

Later on that day i was strolling to school when i caught sight of logan with someone she seem to have red hair and pretty eyes ,blue eyes. She was about 5'8

She was pretty she must been logan's girl.

How could a hot guy be single i must be dumb to think he was.

I Heard her giggle.

I wanted to hear what they were talking about but i didn't want to get caught

But i was so suspicious ...i went and hid next to a tree and eavesdropped on them.

I heard her say she was moving for a while to new york...

After that logan told her he would miss her and then they said goodbye .

I tried to sneak away from their talking before they would leave but my luck.

I got caught trying to sneak away.

"Where do you think you're going lady",said logan chuckling.

"Umm ", i said trying to not look at him

"Didn't you're parent's tell you eavesdropping on people is a bad thing.. you need too get punished", he said .

"Since when do you're parents teach you to talk to strangers", i said i was a bit  incensed at him for talking to my crush snatcher friend.

" Who are you talking about i don't talk to strangers", he said 

" Don't act stupid you're talking to my friend and you don't even know heather ", i said yelling

" Someones jealous", he said with a big smirk

"no am not its just that you don't know her and you're talking to her ", i said i was starting to burn up he thought i was jealous!

" don't hide it ", he said tilting  up my head so i could see him in the eyes

i decided to take matter's into my own hands with this issues

 " why did you even talk to heather for ", i said.

" i bumped into her and i asked her if she knew you ", he said

" and she said you were friend's with her ", he added.

" oh", i said

"and then i told her that if she had you're number and she said she did and she gave it to me", he said.

After the talk with logan i still concealed my self from him through the whole day , luckily for me  he didn't see me . 

When i got home i got a call from heather ugh why .

'jello", i said

" hey do i see a surprise coming ", she asked

"about what surprise", i asked

'its my birthday!", she said

"oh yeah....i have a surprise ", i said

'what is it ", she asked.

" its a surprise fine then but come to my birthday party", she said

"you know ill be there", i said

"fine", she said

'bye", i said

I Went to the mall and bought her  a pink juicy couture bag it was pink leather and it had a lace all around the top and a bow at the bottom .

That was her surprise after that i went to buy her perfume and that was all.

I drove to her house and i saw her car was there so she must be in her house i went through the back and laid my presents in her counter.

i went outside the backdoor and went to front of her home and i was shocked of what i saw i was about to shed a tear

Logans POV'

After kristen asked me about heather ,her friend i didn't see her anymore.

But who i did see was heather.

She started talking to me ,telling me if we wanted to hang out but i ignored her i mean, i bearly met her and apparently kristen does not like me talking to her.

After school i saw heather... again multiple times and no kristen .

" have you seen kristen at all", i asked her .

' No...but i can take you to her ", she said.

" oh thats alright", i said

" i could take you to her ", she said again

I Didn't bring my car today so....

" fine then", i said

We walked to her red car and got in.

We drove somewhere and i started to get a headache do i asked heather if she had anything for a headache and she gave me a pill and i drank it 

After that i think the pill was strong i felt giddy.

 I Saw a house close i though we were close to Kristen's house but as we came close it wasn't Kristen's place.

We went inside i tried to tell her that i wanted to leave but  i couldn't talk.

I Tried to walk and even jogg away from heather but i couldn't she was strong and i was weak because i was giddy i felt with no power. She must of drugged me with that pill.

I Should of never trusted her that is why kristen didn't want me talking to her.

If it wasn't for being drugged i would of run away but i couldn't.

After that i saw a browned hair girl with hazel eyes and she looked familiar and then it all made sense it was kristen.

The last thing i saw was kristen about to cry.

Then I think i fainted... 

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