Chapter Thirty

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{ a/n- a teeny bit NSFW }

*four months later*

Grace and Hannah finally get to have their honeymoon, four months after their wedding. They go to Paris, the city of romance. They walk the city during the day, seeing sights and having the time of their lives. And Hannah watches the life slowly coming back into Grace. After three months inside, Grace's skin had gone so pale she was practically colourless. But after four months in the LA sun and a week of walking around Paris she was a golden tan again, her cheeks filed with a rosy blush.

Grace is happier than she's ever been. Her hair has grown back, somewhat. It's more wavy now than her natural curls, a dark chocolatley brown instead of her blonde from before. She's decided not to dye it again, at least for a while. It hits just above her shoulders, thing and fragile, but still; Grace has her hair back. Hannah can tell Grace is more appreciative of small things that make life special, pointing them out as they walk down the street.

Every morning and every evening, Hannah and Grace go outside onto the deck of their hotel room and watch the sun rise into the sky or dip below the horizon. It's one of the small joys Grace has learned to appreciate, every single day. Grace, who was so petrified by the idea of public conversation with strangers, now chats to waitresses, cashiers, etc. She encourages them if she thinks they look down, and more than once she's been met with the response of "Thanks, I really needed that today."

Grace shows more love to everyone in odd little ways. She hugs Mamrie a lot more. She calls her mom every day instead of once a week. She texts Tim and John a lot. She'll blow a kiss to her subscribers while filming, or say things like "what would I do without you guys?" or "I love you guys so much!" and think nothing of it.

But the biggest change Hannah notices is the way Grace begins reacting to children. She had been uncomfortable around children before, with few exceptions like her niece and nephew. Now, she adores seeing little babies and will quietly point them out to Hannah in a hushed whisper.

"That could be us one day you know." She'll say softly, gesturing to a couple with a newborn baby in a stroller. Hannah smiles, secretly feeling her heart swell with pride. She didn't think she'd get children with Grace, but the tables seem to have turned.

One specific day of their honeymoon, the day before their last, they lie together on the bed in their hotel room, and just cuddle, tangled up in the sheets. Grace lies on her back in nothing but an oversized jumper and Hannah lies on top of her in a pair of basketball shorts and a sports bra. Grace's arms rest lazily around her wife's body.

"I love you, you know." Grace murmurs, looking at Hannah like she's the most beautiful thing in the world. Hannah's eyes are closed and she sighs, content to be this way forever.

"I love you more." Hannah replies, a smile playing on her lips. Grace smiles too, shaking her head.

"I don't think that's possible baby." Grace counters. Hannah looks up mischeviously, a wickedly devilish grin replacing the sweet smile.

"Oh really?" Hannah asks, her voice bold and dominant. "How about we have a little competition of sorts?" Grace bites her lip as Hannah climbs over her and presses her lips hungrily onto Grace's. Hannah's lips leave Grace's mouth and trail over her jaw and down her neck. Hannah bites gently on the delicate skin and relishes at the sight of red marks all over Grace.

Grace, with her competitive nature kicking in, rolls so Hannah is no longer in control. Grace's fingers dance a beautiful ballet across Hannah's bare and toned stomach. Grace's touch is warm and careful, barely grazing over the trail of peach fuzz leading to Hannah's navel. Her lips soon replace her fingers, each kiss longer than the last.

Hannah slips from under Grace and climbs over Grace's back. Grace is on her stomach now, Hannah lifting her jumper off her. Soon Grace is in just her underwear and Hannah touches her spine gingerly. Her touch sends chills down Grace's spine and adrenaline running through her body.

Grace rolls over and pulls the waist band of Hannah's pants and underwear down, pressing her lips against Hannah's hip bones. Grace makes her way to Hannah's inner thighs, her tongue swirling on the hot skin. Hannah feels a shudder of pleasure and Grace smiles, knowing the effect she's having.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Shit." Hannah mutters. "There's the alarm. We have to get ready for dinner." Grace sits up, a sad look on her face. Hannah kisses her forehead and murmurs, "We'll finish this later, my love." Grace rises and takes a beautiful, ballet pink summer dress from her suitcase and pulls it on. She takes her hair from its messy bun, brushes through it, and puts a few loopy curls in it. Hannah wears a flannel button up, leather jacket, and jeans.

"You ready?" Grace asks, offering her arm to Hannah. Hannah links arms with her wife, kisses her cheek, and nods.

"Ready as I'll ever be."


Grace and Hannah's table is outside on the deck of the resteraunt, so they are sitting under the stars and bright moon. It's a beautiful night and an amazing dinner. After they've eaten and are kind of just sitting and sipping wine, Hannah notices Grace is shivering a little. Grace has seemed to grown cold more easily since treatment.

"Are you cold baby?" Hannah asks softly. Grace smiles and shakes her head.

"No I'm fi-" Hannah doesn't let her finish, taking her leather jacket off and passing it to Grace. Grace pulls it on to her slender frame, letting the heat Hannah's body already gave it warm her. Hannah comes around to her side of the table and wraps her arms around Grace.

"I'll keep you warm, my love." Hannah whispers.

She Keeps Me Warm | HartbigOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz