Chapter 1 - Starting a Family

Start from the beginning

"Your hair." Blake said. The two looked into each other's eyes.

"Your eyes." Yang said.

"Your puns." Blake said with a smirk and an eye roll. To which Yang chuckled.

"Hey. You've been dabbling in puns since we got married." Yang said while holding up her left hand, to show her wedding ring. Blake chuckled in return.

"Well. Then I guess they'll get that from both of us." Blake said smiling while her cat ears perked back up.

"So?" Yang asked with a soft smile. "Do you want to make that baby?" Blake closed her eyes pictured that hypothetical child one more time. An adorable mix of herself and Yang. Blake knew that her wife was right. That child was worth the chance. She opened her eyes.

"Yeah." Blake said. "Let's do it." The two hugged. With that decided, Blake turned back to Weiss. Who thought it would be best to not interrupt the two while they spoke. "Well Weiss, sign us up." Finishing her wife's sentence.

"Alright." Weiss said. "I'll make some calls for you. But, there is one other thing." Blake and Yang's expressions grew more curious. "This procedure. It's still relatively new so it's pretty expensive right now."

"Oh." Blake said as her expression saddened. Was it more than she and Yang could afford?

"Just how expensive are we talking?" Yang asked.

"Well it's about-" Weiss paused mid sentence as she noticed the worried expressions on her friends faces. That's when she got an idea. "Tell you what. Why don't you let me take care of it? I'll call in some favours and pay for the whole thing."

"W-Weiss are you serious?" Blake asked. "We couldn't ask you to-"

"Nope. I don't want to hear another word of it." Weiss interrupted. "You two are important to me. And if I can do something to help you have a baby, I want to do it." Blake and Yang were taken aback. Weiss was really willing to do this do this for them?

"Weiss, I don't know what to say" Yang said as she began to tear up.

"Well." Weiss said with a cheeky tone. "You could say that I'm the best-" But she was interrupted by a hug from a teary eyed Blake.

"You ARE the best Weiss" Blake said as she started to cry. "Thank you so much." This news meant so much to her. She and Yang could start their family. Yang joined the hug, and Weiss hugged both of her friends.

"You two mean so much to me." Weiss said. "You're like family. I'd do anything for you." Yang tried to say something but Weiss cut her off saying. "Within reason."

Sure enough, Weiss soon had everything arranged and payed for. But Blake and Yang had a surprise for her. That they had decided to name Weiss as their child's godmother. Weiss was surprised by this news and it took her a moment to fully process it. She quickly felt extremely honoured by the news and teared up. While Weiss had no immediate plans of getting married or having children of her own. She always loved the thought of loving and spoiling a little niece or nephew. But to be named a godmother was something she'd never expected. So she vowed to Blake and Yang that she will be the best godmother ever. The only thing left for Blake and Yang to decide was, who was going to be the carrier. After some discussion, they both agreed that Blake would be the one who would carry their child for the next nine months.


It had been just over a month since that operation and now they were both sitting in a hospital waiting room in Vale, waiting for their first ultrasound. Yang held her wife's hand in support. After Blake had realised that she was a few weeks late, she took a home pregnancy test. Or five, just to be sure. They were all positive. Part of her still couldn't believe that it was really happening.

"Blake Belladonna." A nurse called. "We're ready for you." Blake tightened her grip on Yang's hand ever so slightly.

"Hey." Yang said softly. Blake turned to her wife, who gave her a look of reassurance. Which Blake returned with a smile. "You ready to see our baby?" Yang asked. Blake responded with a nod and the two made their way to the gynaecologist's office.

Blake laid back on the bed and lifted her shirt up to just above her stomach. Yang took her wife's hand and gave her a reassuring look. The doctor took a tube of gel and squirted some of it onto Blake's stomach. Blake winced a little due to the gel being cold. As the doctor ran the ultrasound wand across Blake's stomach, she and Yang watched the screen hoping to see something.

"Alright. Let's see." The doctor said observing the screen while running the wand across Blake's stomach. Moments later, a clearer image appeared on screen. They all quickly noticed a small blob on the screen and heard something to accompany it. A rhythmic sound. The two realised that it must be their baby's heartbeat. They were astounded. What came from both of them was growing and becoming a brand new person. "And there is your baby. Congratulations."

Blake and Yang got their scan printed, the first of many. They were absolutely ecstatic, especially Yang. She had been dying to tell everyone they knew that she and Blake were planning on starting a family. But Blake insisted that they should wait until they knew for sure that there was a baby on the way. And now that Blake was pregnant, Yang wanted to tell everyone right away.

"This is great." Yang said as the two held the photo. "I can't wait to tell Ruby that she's gonna be an aunt and we can all celebrate."

"Yang wait." Blake said with a worried tone. Yang turned to her wife. "Look, I want to tell Ruby, my parents and everyone about this too. But, I think we should wait three months first. I mean, that is the rule. I just don't want to jinx it."

"Three months?" Yang thought to herself. The idea of waiting three more months before she could tell her friends and family that she and Blake are going to be parents felt like asking the impossible of her. But she wanted to respect her wife's wishes. And, she was right, that is the rule. "Alright. I've waited this long, I can wait a little more." Yang said as the two hugged. "But I think we're going to have to swear Weiss to secrecy."

"Oh that'll be easy." Blake said. "We'll just tell her that if she tells anyone, Ruby gets to be the godmother instead." The two laughed.

"Yep. That should do it." Yang chuckled. "Okay. Tell you what. We'll celebrate tonight, just the two- Well, I guess the three of us now. I'll take you to your favourite restaurant." That got Blake excited. Her favourite restaurant was amazing. Nice atmosphere, friendly staff and she loved the food.

"I like the way you think Yang." Blake said. Before they left, the doctor just had to run through some things that Blake shouldn't do while she was pregnant. Most of it was stuff she didn't do anyway, or things she can go without. But then she was told that she can't eat sushi. "....what?" Blake thought. "No sushi?" That did leave Blake disappointed. Since her favourite restaurant, that Yang just promised to take her out to, specialised in sushi. It was divine. Blake considered their sushi the best in all of Remnant. But, since it was for the baby, she'd manage. Yang saw the disappointment in Blake's face.

"Hey." She said as she and Blake turned to face each other. "How about this? After the baby's born, I promise I'll take you there then. And you can have all the sushi you could want. Sound good?" Blake smiled as she and Yang touched their forehead's together.

"It's a date." Blake said softly.

Next - Chapter 2 - Boy or Girl

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