"P'Payu," Rain called. "I'll show you the bedroom."

Rain walked away with a spring to his steps as he motioned for the staircase.

"You know?" Rain continued. "At first I didn't like the idea of a rug on this staircase," Rain laughed. "But you said I was too clumsy you just know it's a matter of time before I slip down the steps and hurt myself."


The other man continued sharing tales of how they decided where was which. All the way to the second floor, to the room, Rain had a lot to say that Payu could not follow.

"Tada!" Rain said dramatically as he pushed the door open. "This is the master's bedroom."

The man took Payu's bag and gently placed it on one of the dark blue empty recliners in the room.

Rain hurriedly went to the side of the room, pulling on the thick black out curtains to reveal the comforting rays coming from the setting sun. He pushed open the windows, the breeze immediately invited itself in the room, sweet and earthy. The room had more dark earthy tones and gave off a more traditional feel with the woods. For a moment, Payu was able to breathe. He didn't realize he'd been holding his breath all this time.

"I'm going to leave you alone for now," Rain said as he began retracing his steps out of the master's bedroom out of the blue.

Payu looked at Rain, about to ask something. But Rain beat him to it.

"I know you're tired. So please take your time resting."


"If you need anything you can just find me three doors to the right."

"...you don't sleep here?"

Rain smiled a little. "You don't still recognize me as your fiancé," Rain said carefully. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, P'Payu. So, I thought you'd like to have your privacy."

Rain waved once with his hand and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him with gentleness. The sound of it made the room feel even lonelier. Such a massive room. An insanely big bed was the center piece. Doors that led to closets and bathrooms probably but Payu had no energy to check.

Standing in the middle, he found a huge mirror by the corner of the room. He could see himself in it. But he had the urge to look away instead. His hair was down past his shoulders, the band holding it snapping after his tests with the specialist. His thin shirt looked old, as well as the jeans he was wearing. He looked so out of place.

Slowly, he made his way to the bed. He touched the bedding, the fabric sliding under his palm smoothly. He sat at the edge and looked out the window. The sun was about to set, the golden glow seeping through the open windows, creating golden blocks as it hit the floor.


He swallowed hard as he took in the different surroundings and the overwhelming 'new' things he was being introduced to. Payu slowly moved to the side of the bed and laid on his back. He stared at the ceiling for a long time. Closing his eyes, he chased the familiar scent of the mountains. He sought the whispers of the river and the hint of laughter from the children, the whine of the crickets.


All he smelled was the almost nonexistent hint of paint at the corners and an unfamiliar scent of fabric conditioners. He was really not in the mountains anymore.




Payu opened his eyes a fraction. He couldn't have slept for that long already. He glanced at the window, the same golden sky from the afternoon sun although darkness was slowly joining in.

STORM CHASING [Love in the Air | PayuxRain]Where stories live. Discover now