01 | Leaving Home

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River arched an eyebrow at her. "What's going on? You've got one weird look on your face!"

If Avalon could have internally rolled her eyes, she would have. Hardly anything got past River. Although the fact that they were neighbors and been friends since a young age certainly weren't in her favor at the moment. Avalon rubbed her lips together and slowly opened her mouth to speak.

"Aw, never mind that!" River said, brushing her off with a wave of his hand. "I couldn't wait any longer, so I came to get you! Today's finally the big day! We're finally going to get our first Pokemon from Professor Oak and become real Trainers!"

The excitement in River's voice was clearly evident. The two friends had talked about almost nothing but this day since Ash had left. Which Pokemon would Professor Oak offer them to start with. Which other Pokemon they were most looking forward to catching. All the fun and mischief they could get away with, far from their overprotective and sometimes overbearing mothers.

Once again, Avalon opened her mouth to speak but River cut her off once more.

"Oh, but before we do...you read the email I sent you yesterday, right?"

River winked at her and Avalon folded her arms across her chest and rolled her eyes. "Of course, I read it." Although, River did know that was notoriously unreliable when it came to responding.

"You better have!" River chuckled, which earned him another eye roll. "Check your computer if you didn't." He pointed at her computer and started to push her in that direction, but Avalon giggled and pushed back against him.

"I checked it. I swear. I read all about what we need to do as Trainers, although, I think Ash might know a bit more than you, seeing as he's already done this before."

River pretended to look hurt. So, Avalon teased him. "What color is your diary?"

"It's called a journal, thank you very much."

Avalon grinned. "You never answered my question, what color is it? Pink? With sparkles?"

River rolled his eyes. "It's green, if you must know."

"With sparkles?" Avalon continued to tease.

He gave her an unamused look. "No sparkles last time I checked."

"We can always change that." Avalon threatened with a grin on her face, opening a desk drawer where she was certain there had to be some glitter.

River moved his hands behind him, carefully guarding his bag. He slowly began to back away toward the stairs. "I'm gonna book it to Professor Oak's lab, so see you there!"

With that River turned around and ran downstairs, leaving her alone once more in her room. Avalon giggled as she saw his messy mop of hair disappear. She was glad that someone she knew was going to be out there new to all of this too. It made her feel a little better about herself. Avalon loved her brother, but she wanted her own adventure and wanted to be known for her own merit. Not simply as Ash Ketchum's little sister.

Avalon gripped the straps of her bag with her hands and took one last look at her bedroom, where she had spent years dreaming of this very moment. She smiled contentedly and was about to head downstairs herself, but she took a quick detour to grab with Eevee plush and descended the stairs.

Once downstairs, Avalon turned to see the TV was playing a movie while Mimey, dusted the TV stand. The scene showed a girl with her hair in pigtails walking up a brick road. Avalon chuckled. The Wizard of Oz - it seemed rather fortuitous given everything. Although, Avalon wasn't so sure if there was a yellow brick road winding through Kanto to guide her on her journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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