5 - Surrender

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It'd been 6 hours since she got back. Still, he was nowhere to be seen. It was starting to get dark. A familiar hopelessness started to well in Robin's chest as the room seemed to grow quieter than complete silence. Tugging at her hair, she reread the first line of her book for what seemed like the millionth time. An orphic, starless black left her feeling lonely and somewhat afraid. The gentle radius of a scented candle she purchased allowed her to see the words on the pages, but nothing more. A candle, a short novel, a second notebook, a pair of sweatpants, and a striped sweater, totaling just over 100 thousand berries, left her with more than enough money to survive for a few months.

knock knock knock

She flinched. It can't be Zoro. He wouldn't knock on his own door. Who could it be then? Slowly she approached the door, and spoke "Who is it?"

"I'm a member of cypher pol 9. I know you're hiding here, Nico Robin."

"You expect me to come with you?"

"Of course not. And I'm not here to capture you." He said. She couldn't see him, on account of not opening the door, but she knew he was telling the truth.

"Why's that?"

"I know who lives here. Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro. Trespassing or unlawfully entering his residence would only put me in danger, and anger one of the Marines' greatest assets."

"So you came to engage in small talk?"

"The opposite. You're far too dangerous to run free with the information you have. I'm here to give you an ultimatum. Surrender yourself to us by midnight or we'll be forced to lift this house off of its foundations, regardless of whether or not you and Roronoa are present. Bye"

Once again. Complete silence. It was unclear whether he had left. She didn't hear any footsteps. So when Zoro opened the door, just a few minutes later, she yelped.

"Calm down. I live here," he said, turning on the lights. "And why do you have it so dark in here, like you're trying to do a ritual?"

"I'm hiding."

He laughed. "And how is that working for you? You heard the geek at the door."

She frowned. "If you were here, then why did you let him leave?"

"He didn't break in, he only spoke. No different from evangelists or girl scouts. He also seemed to respect me."

"I take it that means I'll have to leave."

"No. I promised to provide you with a safe place to stay for a few days. I'll uphold my end of the deal. He also threatened to bomb my house."

Regardless of whether or not the man was dangerous, making a threat toward Zoro meant testing his metal. He couldn't let the man run free after dragging him into something that he had nothing to do with. Robin clenched her teeth, slightly annoyed by how frivolous he was being. He didn't know how small he was, and his pride only provoked acts of levity.

"Betraying the government has consequences."

"I'm not betraying anyone. I was never loyal to the Marines; I simply needed money. I'm only loyal to my pride and my morals."

Her heart beat faster. Zoro going so far to honor the agreement tempted her to grow attached, but she knew it would only result in greater suffering once they both died.

"Think. If only for a second, just think. I surrender, or we're both blown to hell. There is no protecting me." Vulgarity was abnormal for Robin, but she felt it was the only way to communicate her point. "Do you have a plan, genius?"

Zoro X Robin: 3 Days Remastered Where stories live. Discover now