2 - Negotiation

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"DAMNIT!" She cried. "I give up. I have no further will to fight...just take me." Robin mumbled.

He chuckled.

"People usually say that before they jump, not after they climb, right?" He asked, putting his swords in their sheathes, and offering her a hand.

She bravely let her gaze venture up, beholding the monster of a man in front of her. He was by no means tall. In fact, he was shorter than her, but he was vascular, covered in scars, missing an eye, and radiated an insatiable thirst for blood. He also reeked of alcohol. Nothing about him screamed 'friendly' or 'patient'. He was, however, very unique in the aspect that he had green hair, something she had yet to see in her 29 years of living

"Don't taunt me." She sighed, moving a misplaced strand of ravenblack hair."Just kill me. Take me to marine HQ. Do whatever. I don't care anymore"

"You sayin' you're worth money?" He inquired. "How much?"

She bit her thumb, not feeling anything at all, as it had gone completely numb. She realized her mistake. He wasn't with the guys who were chasing her before. Looking at his left bicep, she recognized the black bandana he wore. This man was the demon known as "Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro" an infamous bounty hunter with no ambition other than murder. That is to say, as far as she was informed. In her current state, there was no running from him. She concluded that honesty was her best course of action

"80 million berries" she sighed.

"Not bad... What about the guys behind you?"

Looking back she saw all of her chasers, a ragtag pirate crew that she served under for shelter, lined up across the edge of the roof, blocking any form of exit.

"Probably about 130 million collectively" she said, sniffling.

"Well ain't that something" he said with a smirk.

"YOU'RE PROTECTING HER AREN'T YOU!?!? THAT BOUNTY IS OURS!" They yelled, inching closer towards him, with a few even drawing pistols.

She winced. He's dead. There's no escape. I only wish I hadn't gotten someone else harmed because of my own mistakes. Robin thought, closing her eyes and bowing her head. Only a second later, she heard a sword sheathe, followed by screams of agony and pools of blood hitting the roof. She opened her eyes to the sight of corpses, by the dozen, all at the feet of this monster.

"130 should be enough to last me for a while." He said, looking down at her.

This, of course, was good news. It meant that he wanted nothing to do with her, and she wanted nothing to do with him. This was a new chance. The brunette smiled, almost briefly convinced that God was real, and favored her, before remembering that it was Lucifer himself who had saved her. Wanting to keep conversation short, she said 'thank you' and left it at that, waiting for him to leave. But after 5 minutes of him staying, looking into the distance, she spoke up again.

"Is there any reason you're still here? You want something in return for letting me live, saving my life, and bringing you your wages?" She asked. "Perhaps a favor for self-gratification? Maybe even my soul?" She said, gritting her teeth. She felt indebted at this point, and would have no choice but to give him what he wanted.

"Who the hell do you think I am? The devil? I really could use your help though, if I'm being honest."

What could a man like him possibly need, if not some form of self satisfaction?

"And what is it you need?"

"Directions back home..."

It genuinely seemed like a joke.

"I'm Zoro by the way."

"Nico Robin, but call me what you want..." She said before pausing "Tell me, how is it you get too lost to find your own home?"

"Look I don't need you makin' fun of me I just need to get home," he said with a blush. "Judging from your actions, I take it you need a place to stay."

"You would be correct" Robin said curiously, almost completely thrown off by his seeming lack of competence.

"You can stay at my place for a bit if you just shut up and help me get there."

"Of course, Mr. Zoro, just tell me the address"

"And don't call me 'Mr.'" he frowned. "It's creepy."

Strolling weakly over rocky streets, their steps left a crisp sound, almost comforting, until Zoro broke the silence. "So tell me about yourself. You got a bounty on your head, what'd you do?"

Grabbing his hand and pulling him toward her, she responded. "I study ancient history. It's a hobby, but not one that the government really appreciates."

Short, concise, appreciated.

"I'm inclined to believe you. I know first hand how corrupt those bastards are. Looking for something they don't want found is a sure-fire way to get a price on your head."

"Yes, it's quite unfortunate" she paused to think. "How about you, what do you do?" Of course, she already knew the answer, but gauging his honesty would benefit her greatly, and pegging his personality would allow her to determine whether or not she could manipulate him.

"I'm a bounty hunter, but only to feed myself. I only really target people I consider worth my time, because they also serve as training. My true ambition is to be the world's greatest swordsman." He said, smiling at the thought.

Of course, he knew it was a path of bloodshed and suffering, for everyone involved, but he was driven, and that piqued her curiosity. She could tell he wasn't lying. Him only facing worthy adversaries is the reason he didn't capture her, and the reason he allowed her to warm her hands with his. That, or he genuinely needed her to pull him in the right direction every time he tried to walk off-course. Finally, they reached his doorstep, and he stepped in front of her. Opening the door and holding it.

"Make yourself at home"

"I'll try my best."

Zoro X Robin: 3 Days Remastered Where stories live. Discover now