Chapter 19: An Enemy rises

Start from the beginning

Sora looked at the Mirror, his reflection looking back at him with a smile, holding a blood-red Stone before stuffing it into his pocket with a wink. He slowly reached into his pocket and indeed, it was full. "Give me an answer!", she squeezed his neck and he looked at the Mirror. "What should I see? I see myself! Like any other Mirror" "You fool, this is the Mirror of Erised. It shows your heart's desire. I see myself using the stone, turning the world into my plaything, my pawns but I don't know how to get it. So you will tell me what you- AARGH!!!", before she could say anything else, she screamed and let Sora go, who rolled out of the way.
Looking back, he saw Jessy with her wand pointed to Maleficent, scratched on her body where she was flung against the wall. "Hands off my friends", she said coldly and Sora joined her. "You-HOW DARE YOU!", Maleficent turned around, rage crossed her face and Sora took his wand out. "You dare to challenge me?! I show you the power of true darkness!!", she rose her arms up and green fire surrounded the chamber, flames growing higher as they were all trapped. 

While Maleficent attacked them with magic, both of them dodged, rolling to their sides. Sora mainly used the spell Kairi used against the Devil's Snare and Wingardium Leviosa, to throw some loose pieces of stone toward her. Jessy began to use the Elemental spells she knew by heart "Why are you two fighting me? You can join me and we'll rule over the darkness together, instead of being in my way!"
"YOU LIAR!", Jessy shouted. In the next second, she was knocked off and pushed into the ground, one hand around her neck, the other one Maleficent held her wand. Sora saw that and dashed straight towards Maleficent, wanting to knock her over from the side. "Foolish boy, you think I'm that weak?" "Let her go! I will defeat you!", he shouted and Maleficent began to laugh and Sora grabbed her wrist, when... a loud scream echoed in the chamber. It wasn't his or Jessy's, no, it was Maleficent's. She fell to her knees and began to howl in agony. Sora and Jessy jumped up and saw the bewildered look on Maleficent's face. Her palms were steaming.

Both saw how they looked burnt, raw, red, and shiny. "You! How dare you!", she raised her wand, the tip glowing green, and she was ready to kill them when Sora leaped forward, pressing his hands straight to her face.
"AAARGH!!!", she screamed, her face blistering like she was just engulfed by flames. "I will kill you!", she screamed and knocked Sora back to a wall, his head meeting it fully, and he could barely keep his eyes open, the stone rolling out of his pocket. "The Stone!", sneered Maleficent, and Sora wanted to grab it but he was losing consciousness. He saw Jessy standing in front of him before he fell into darkness...down...deeper...away

Sora blinked slowly at something bright, groaning a little before he opened his eyes to saw the face of Professor Pueralbis directly above him, a faint smile on his face. "Good Afternoon, Sora", he said in a soft voice. All Sora could do was stare at him for a moment before shooting up. "Sir! The Stone! It was Maleficent! She's got the Stone! Sir quick-", Sora wanted to jump up when "Calm down, Sora, you are a little behind the times", began Pueralbis "Maleficent does not have the Stone" "Then who does? Sir, I-" "Sora, please relax, otherwise, Madam Pomfrey will have me thrown out"
Sora swallowed and looked around for the first time. He saw that he was in the Hospital Wing and lying in a bed with linen sheets, and next to him was a table piled high with what looked like half of a candy store.

"Tokens from your friends and admires", Pueralbis gestured to the pile "What happened down in the dungeons between Jessy and you against Maleficent is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows it by now. I believe your friends Mr. Fred and Gorge Weasley were responsible for trying to send you a toilet seat. No doubt they thought it would amuse you. Madam Pomfrey, however, felt it might not be very hygienic and confiscated it"

" long have I been here?" "Three days. Mr. Dawn, Ms. Heart and Ms. Sapphire Amakura will be most relieved you are back conscious, they have been extremely worried...even if Mr. Dawn tries to don't show it" "But, I mean- the Stone"
"If only you students were like that about school. Very well, the Stone. Professor Maleficent did not manage to take it from you. I arrived in time to prevent that, although Ms. Amakura did a good job from keeping her away from you, I must say" "You got there? You got Kairi's letter?" "We must have crossed in mid-air. No sooner had I reached London than it became clear to me that the place I should be was the one I had just left. I arrived just in time to help Ms. Sapphire Amakura- who protected you from Maleficent-"

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