Chapter 16: Hagrid and the Dragon

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In the following weeks, everything was calm as nothing ever happened but a few students noticed how Maleficent seemed more snappish than normal. She took points from students when they did nothing wrong or just when they sneezed, and even her teaching style became even stricter.
The group wondered if she found a way to the stone, so whenever someone passed the third-floor corridor, they would press an ear against the door, only to hear Fluffy snoring or growling in his room. And when Snape was sweeping around the castle in his usual bad temper they knew it was still safe from him, making them relax a little.

Most Ravenclaws began to start up with revision plans and studying their notes, and a few wondered why Jessy wouldn't do the same, with the exams being ten weeks away. "You do know that you have plenty of time. Ten weeks to be exact" "For you!", Lumina snapped at her roommate with furrowed eyebrows, "You know most of the stuff but we're not you!" "Forgive her, please. She's been like this for the whole week", Momo joined Jessy's side with a sigh. "But we already had these things in the classes. So why are you guys revising for?", she asked cluelessly and the heads of the group snapped toward her. "Sorry that we didn't grow up in the prestigious family of the Amakuras'! I bet you know everything!", Conan raised his voice and hands to her, making the others nod. "Conan's right! We need to pass the exams to get into the second year! They're very important, I should've started a month ago..or two! You know how bad I am when it comes to magic", Creon began to whine and gripped his hair with both hands. "In fact, I do know...and I hope you realize that I'm offering my help and knowledge to you so there's no need to revise?", she stated in a calm tone.
Silence washed over the group before they bombarded Jessy with questions and begged for her help, making her laugh and calming them down, as she began to help her classmates and friends.

The teachers seemed to be thinking along with the Ravenclaws with studying for the exams and piling up so much homework that the easter break wasn't nearly as much fun as Christmas was. Jessy even began to help Sora and Kairi, while Riku had his hands full with learning as well to get into his third year. Patience was needed for both since they didn't knew much about wand movements or twelve uses of dragon's blood, or counter curses, and both were more than just grateful for her.
Sora began to yawn, since he now spends most of his free time in the library, trying to get through all of the extra work the teachers assigned them.
"I'll never remember this", he threw his hands up before his head meet the table, followed by his arms, and a sudden urge to break his quill and threw it out of the window seemed like a blessing. He looked outside to see a nice day they haven't had in months, with not one cloud in the forget-me-not-blue endless sky, and a whiff of summer air came from somewhere, and he wanted nothing more than to run outside.
Kairi who was looking up >Dittany< in One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, only looked up when she heard Jessy talking, Sora also turning around.

"Hagrid! What are you doing in the library?" Hagrid shuffled into view of the other two, hiding something behind his back, and all in one, he looked very suspicious in his moleskin overcoat. "Oh, ya know, jus looking", he stated in a shifty voice, that directly caught Soras' interest. "An'what're you lot up ter?", he looked around the library"Yer not still lookin' fer Hermod Inlus, are yeh?" "Oh, we found out who he is ages ago", Sora stood next to Jessy, his hands behind his head, grinning at Hagrid. "And we know that Fluffy guards the Stone", Kairi also came to them, smiling softly at Hagrid.
"Shhh!", he quickly looked around to see if anybody was listening to them "Don' go shoutin' about it, what's the matter with yeh?" "There are a few things we wanted to ask you, as a matter of fact", began Jessy, "about what's guarding the Stone apart from Fluffy-" "SHHHH!" Hagrid said louder," Listen- come an' see me later, I'm not promisin' I'll tell yeh anythin' mind, but don' go trompetin' about it in here, students aren' s'pposed to know. They'll think I've told yeh-" "Oh, ok. Then we see us later", Jessy nodded and with that, Hagrid shuffled off. Once he was out of sight and ear range "Did you two perhaps saw what he was hiding behind his back?", Jessy asked the other two. "Do you think it had anything to do with the Stone?", Kairi stated thoughtfully. "I'm going to see what section he was in", Sora butted in, he clearly had enough of working.

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