Chapter 15: Ancient Alchemy

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The rest of the remaining Christmas break went by as normal days, no incidents happening but ever since the night with the Mirror of Erised, Jessy didn't saw Vanitas again.
Sora and Jessy waited in front of the entrance of Hogwarts for their friends to come since Kairi wrote that they would come back on the last day of the break, making Sora excited to see his best friends again.
"Sora, there", Jessy pointed to Riku, Kairi, and Roxas and once Sora saw them, he broke out in a sprint, throwing himself on Riku, clinging to his upper body like a koala.
Kairi began to laugh and the girls hugged each other, both happy to see each other again after the break, even Roxas smiled warmly at her as the three watched how Riku struggled to get Sora off him.

The group met in the empty classroom where Professor Yen Sid brought Jessy when she was introduced to Aqua as the new Seeker, and she told them what happened during Christmas but cutting out the part of the Mirror and Vanitas.
"I would've believed that from Sora but from you?", Riku was slightly shocked as she finished her talk. "As if I'd wake Sora up in the middle of the night, and besides that, we're not even in the same house, so how would I know the passwort to get in?", she asked with hands on her hips, huffing at Riku. "Well, at least we now know something about Hermod Inlus", smiled Kairi, who sat on the desk, kicking her legs back and forth. "Well, we found the book but we deciaded to wait for you two before we look at ut, since Madam Pince threw us out", admitted Sora with a wry smile, scratching his cheek innocently

Once school resumed as it was, they almost had no time to go into the library to get the book and look into the listed pieces of information about Inlus. Jessy and Riku had even less time than Kairi and Sora, since they had Quidditch practice, and the next match was Ravenclaw vs Slytherin in February.
Not to mention that Aqua Weaver trained the team harder than ever, she saw how good Slytherin was in the first match of the season, winning it, so they trained, even if the weather changed into rain, the snow was already gone, the ground being muddy and slippery. If they'd win against Slytherin, and Gryffindor would win against Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw would hold the temporarily 1st place.
Rosencrans whined after endless hours of practice to Captain Weaver but everyone else believed that he was simply tired after getting hit by countless Quaffles.
Spice and Queensblade were more than happy for the extra hours of training, Queensblade claiming that he finally get away from his loud childhood friend and Spice having some quiet time to get away from others that admired her. Jessy talked to the three chasers about a new maneuver that she thought of to use against Slytherin, the three went ready to test it out, which made Rosencrans pale as a ghost, shaking his head frantically, ready to cover and hide himself somewhere.

It was then, during a muddy practice after a heavy downpour that Aqua got some bad news for the team, she looked at the team.
Capra and Goodrich wanted to try a new maneuver as well but it ended that Goodrich got dizzy, and his face turned into an unhealthy shade of green.
"Liam! Gowther! What are you doing?!", Spice shouted at the two. "Liam here wanted to try something new out and now he looks like this", Capra pointed to Goodrich, who slowly calmed down, sitting steady on his broom. "Please stop fooling around. The next match will be difficult as it is already but when you two idiots continue, we'll lose it", Queensbalde came over and sighed, his arms crossed over his chest, looking at the beaters.

"Hiro's right, I just got news that Snape's refereeing our match and the match of the Gryffindors, and we all know how much he favours his own house", Aqua came to them and told them the news, as silence went over the team, you could hear the wind whistle through the field.
"Ok! I'm gonna be sick for that game! I'm not putting with Slytherin AND Snape. Forget it!", Rosencrans exclaimed and shook his head while Spice shot him a threatening look. "When's he ever refereed a match? And why does he do it now?", Capra began to question, supporting his chin between thumb and index finger. "I don't know Gowther. Cerus and I just found out about that. Nothing I can do", admitted Aqua with an apologetic smile "Not to mention he's the head of Slytherin house...Aqua, be serious. Do you think he'll be fair?", Queensblade asked while lying on his broom as it hovered. "Hiro, I have no idea but what I know is that we have to play fair", she admitted and looked at everyone. "I think my stomach is turning just from the tought", Rosencrans held his stomach. "I think your stomach will do just fine", Spice hit his shoulder. "Alis! Be softer to me! I suffer the most from you" "It's not our fault you're bad at it", Capra hummed a little, pushing his glasses back to the bridge of his nose.

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