Good omens - Crowley - Fallen

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Reader is female angel.


You and me we're not the same,

Many people say Hell, Heaven and whole Christianity is nothing but a big scam, stories for little children.
But you knew better. You were an angel and also your long best friend Aziraphale was one. Both of you were on Earth for quite some time along with a demon named Crowley.

Your secret boyfriend.

I am a sinner and you are a saint.

Despite you both being on opposite sides you loved each other more than any mortal could.
But last 11 years it has been hard for both of you to keep your relationship a secret. Antichrist has been delivered on Earth and both Hell and Heaven started to watch the other side with more suspicion. Any angel or demon that made contact with the other side already became number one on watchlist.
It was late evening when you were putting Aziraphale's book into shelves, a slight tap on your shoulder made you turn around. You were expecting Aziraphale or Crowley, but definitely not your boss, Gabriel.

"Evening, (y/n)."

"E-evening, Gabriel. What brings here at such late hour?"

He helped you down from a little ladder you were using and cleaned his jacket. You were nervous of course, not only be was your boss, but it wasn't the first time you were in trouble.

"We've noticed a weird aura coming from you and around you. And I'm just checking if you're alright."

You gulped, he surely knows about Crowley.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine."

Out of nowhere Gabriel pinned you to the bookshelf, you yelped.

"Don't lie to me. We know about that demon and your relationship with him. And trust me I know my ways how to get rid of you both."

Your eyes started to water, you didn't want to bring Crowley into danger. But at the same time if you got rid of him, you'll only hurt his heart, which you don't want to do either.
You started to cry, Gabriel knew very well you were one troublesome angel and always saved you, maybe because since you were little you were like a sister to him. Your head was spinning and you started to feel dizzy. Luckily you came up with a plan.

"Please, Gabriel if you would just let me explain myself, at the angelic court."

Gabriel's eyes widen, he expected anything, but angelic court.
Angelic court was a place where all angels accused of betrayal had their last chance to explain themselves and save themselves from falling.

"Alright then, choose your witness."


"Yes, now."


You almost yelled out as if eager to prove Gabriel wrong. Gabriel stepped back, releasing you from the prison between him and the bookshelf. He coughed and fixed his jacket.

"See you at the court."

With a jingle he disappeared, you dropped to your knees breaking down and crying.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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