"Stop" I choked out as a tear slipped down my cheek. "Now we're getting somewhere" Kilton smirked and called someone's name. "Take Sarah to the kitchens. Let her bring me my dinner" Kilton said to the old goblin that walked into the room. She looked up at my in shock, mostly at my outfit and chain. "Yes, master" She said not taking her eyes off of me. I was still taking in deep breaths when he tugged my arm lightly. "I will see you shortly Sarah" Kilton said pulling on a piece of my hair.

               I followed the goblin only to get as far from Kilton as I could. When we came upon the kitchens, the entire kitchen staff stared at me in complete shock. I walked through the room silently in my own humiliation. Each one of the goblins muttered among themselves then and occasionally reached for me but recoiled inches from my skin. "Master's dinner is here" The goblin said hoarsely. I followed her eyes to the bloody meat and I outwardly cringed. "Must I feed him this?" I asked carefully. "Yes!" She cried handing me the try. "You need to leave now or master will punish you or worse me!" She said pushing me out of the kitchens. I thought of Kilton hurting the poor goblins. They were the only reason I would allow him to force me to do something.

               I approached his familiar door and kicked it. With a grunt from the other side, I pushed the door open and stumbled into the room. Kilton sat at a table in front of his bed and I threw the tray down in front of him. "Anything else?" I asked raising an eyebrow. My hands are tired from the day" He said looking from me to the fork. "Uh, no" I said but was instantly feeling the effects of refusal around my neck. The metal burned my skin and I choked. Only when I picked up the fork did the pain cease. I bent over the tray and fed him a bite of the bloody meat. "Submission isn't that bad. See? No pain when you obey" He said with no expression.

               "Go somewhere" I muttered under my breath not wanting him to think I was cursing him, but to understand my jab. He was out of his chair in a flash. From the fast movement, I fell onto the edge of Kilton's bed and rolled to the floor. Kilton stood over me as I put my hands behind me to help push myself away from him. He kept taking steps towards me as I moved backwards. He forced me to stand from the chains and pinned me against his door.

               "I knew something was off with you..." He said looking into my eyes then running one of his hands down my arm. "You are no longer full human. I see a mix of fae in you. Why did the transfer refuse you Sarah? How did it not kill you?" He mumbled. "No, I'm not fully human, but I am not fully fae. I was changed by someone else's force.  Their attempt failed..." I started but was interrupted. "If it failed you would be dead. You are stuck in between the changes" He said. "I see no problem" I replied. "I do find it very intriguing." Kilton spoke in a low tone.

               "That's why you are able to refuse me so strongly. We need to fix that" He said running his hands over my wrists. I tried to pull away but he jerked me back to him. "Kilton..." I whispered in defeat. I was scared. "It's too late for that Sarah. Just stay still" He replied as my eyes began to glaze over. Panic surged through me until my vision was completely obscured. I couldn't form thoughts, my body felt numb.

               When my sight came back to me I was still in Kilton's arms but this time he was smiling wickedly. "Sarah, clean up the mess you made" He said in a deep voice. Without hesitation, I rushed over to the floor and began cleaning up the meat. I fought this action with every fiber in my body, but it was like I had turned into a puppet. My body wasn't my own. Kilton was controlling me.

               "Now, take the tray back and return to me" He said opening the door for me. My feet padded down the hallway as I went to the kitchen. I rested the tray on the counter and turned to leave, not answering any of the questions thrown at me from the goblins. On the long way back to his room I was bombarded with wounded soldiers. They looked to me and called out for help. I watched them with no expression. On the inside I yearned to help them, but Kilton had given me orders. I would not stray from his requests.

Labyrinth: Saving the Fallen CityWhere stories live. Discover now