03 - Coincidental Agendas

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"Yurika is also on the island," the Dendenmushi voiced.

"What?!" Surprised by the sudden news. Their friend they haven't seen for 2 years was where the Warlord wanted to go? A laugh sinisterly ringing through all their ears on the Thousand Sunny; such a coincidence and the call ends with a thud.

"Yurika's at Dressrosa!" Their captain's complexion grows brighter. A fist pumped into the air. "We have to go!"

Bringing us to the current situation; Find Yurika, Find the SMILE Factory, Trade Caesar at Greenbit. Guard the Thousand Sunny. Although some have just lost it. Women. Food. And who knows what. Yurika could be anywhere!

_ _ _

"Zoro! Where do you think Yurika could be?" With his plastered disguise--a beard, pitch dot hat, and sunglasses--from the disguise genius Kinemon. Feet swinging back and forth in the diner (restaurant) they had entered.

Letting out a sound; "How am I supposed to know? You're the only one who really talked to her." Bumming out the captain significantly only for the scent of paella and such to dilute it slightly although there was a sense of lesser enjoyment with the food.

'Gotta find Yurika, who knows if she's being held as hostage.'

Although that was soon interrupted by the introduction of a blind man in a hazy lavender-like robe playing a losing a gambling match against masked underlings. Even though all his bets were right; "WRONG! It's blac-"

"It's white."

_ _ _

With those masked men dealt with by the blind man, the two parted ways.




Sitting within the colosseum, he only hummed in silence as the crowd cheered. A sudden off-putting cheerful aura sat beside him. He could sense an overwhelming sense of good radiating from her but at the same time, there was a leaching air of hunger lurking under. Malevolent innocence perhaps.

"Issho, make sure to find this girl as well," voiced the fleet admiral over the snail. Describing features; pigtails, pastel purple cardigan, a childish cheeky smile. "She's been spotted in Dressrosa for the past few months, nothing good comes out of her involvement."

"THAT'S RIGHT! WE HAVE THE MERA-MERA NO MI!!" Those in the stands of the Corrida Colosseum roared and roared. The girl beside him chuckled lightly.

"She's known for talking about... 'friends'."

"I can't wait to meet my friend soon!"

_ _ _

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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