01 - Oathful Memory

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Sorrow fills the crevices of her frail being. Watching silhouettes - of those she considered friends - fade infront of her teary eyes. Droplets gush and litter her ragged and run corpse like bullets. She's breathing. Raggedly. She's moving. Slowly. She's thinking. Repeatedly. Over and over again.

'Why,' she gripped onto the asphalt to steady her rapid ragged breaths. Seeing her only source of hope in smithereens.

'Why did they abandon me?'

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That was the best word to describe their straw hat captain right now. After the extreme temperatures of Punk Hazard, their captain had chosen to sit by himself in silence for about half an hour. Always been at the same time. Around sundown as the fiery ball was ready to take it's nap.

It was odd. That's what the Warlord, Trafalgar Law had running through his surgically logical mind. It was odd that Luffy was silent and calm. "Oi," hushedly asking the crew member nearby reading a book, "why's Mugiwara-ya like that?"

Closing the book promptly and holding her gaze at the young captain, "Luffy's been thinking about a friend."

"Before we got split up at Sabaody we met a friendless girl called Yurika," causing the warlord's gaze to sharpen slightly. "Luffy became friends with her and wanted her to join our crew but she wasn't in Sabaody when we reunited," standing up and still holding her gaze at their captain.

"Is that so?" Avoiding any extreme tonal change in his voice. "Yurika really must mean something to you all."

"Definitely," ending their conversation with her lips tugged into a reminiscent smile. With the shut of the door, the white capped man began to hold a deeper frown, the ends of his lips reaching his goatee. Staring up at the clear iridescently shining moon that glimmered and glittered the ocean of the new world in hopes of pacifying his overflowing thoughts, he let out a heavy sigh before resting.

Clasping hands with paws, "Let's be friends!"

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