CH 4

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---Tanny 's POV---

That was strange. How did I not know who Jassi was. I could've sworn this girl tells everything. Me,her and Maya were always close, but then Maya moved away leaving just us two to rant to each other or tell everything to. Did I ever say or do something to her that made her not tell me something this important?

"Dude, what happen you just quiet for like ten minutes," Geet said.

"Oh, it is nothing," I replied.

"Okay, I'm going to go over with the guys again, if you don't mind,"she said.

"That's okay,"I said and she left.

The whole time that we were there I was stuck thinking about what could I have done that made her not tell me. I hated over thinking things but this was not only about me.

"Hey, your sitting over here. Your future husband is looking for you," Waqas said.

"Oh my God," I laughed.

"It's true, you and Shehry are getting married in a couple of days," he stated.

"You think I don't know that?" I questioned.

He was going to say something when Geet came.

"I'm leaving cause Jassi is here,"she said.

"Okay, bye,"we both said.

"Who's Jassi?" He asked.

"I'm sorry," was all I could say.

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