Indominous Rex

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Once we got off the elevator I turned to him. "Mind if I stick with you?" I asked him.

"Why? You scared?" He teased me with a smirk.

"No, I just thought if the Indominous Rex comes after me, I might have someone to sacrifice." I teased back with a smirk of my own.

He chuckled at me and shook his head. "Yeah, you can tag along." He answered me.

I smiled and we walked down to the entrance. Suddenly, the same security guard from the lab stopped us.

"I think you should stay out of the premises." He sternly told us.

"Do you think I'm the one you should be worried about right now?" Owen asked loudly.

"Sir, please leave." The guard told him as he grabbed his arm.

"Back off!" Owen said while shoving his hand off of him.

"Let's just go over here." I told Owen. I smiled forcefully at the guard while gently pushing Owen away from him.

We suddenly saw Claire come down, looking for Owen. "Claire!" He called out to her. She turned around and looked at us with a relieved look on her face.

"I need you two." She told us while walking our way.

"Okay." Owen awkwardly said, taking it the wrong way as he looked her up and down.

I made a disgusted look at him but quickly shook my head and looked at Claire for her explanation.

"My nephews, they're out in the Valley. Please, if anything happens to them...." She explained, but slowly started to hyperventilate at the end.

"Whoa, calm down." I gently told her. I grabbed her arm and brought her where there were less people so all three of us could talk.

"How old?" Owen asked her.

"Uhm. The- uhm. The older one, he's, like, uh, high school age. The younger one, he's... uhm... He's a few years." She stuttered, not really knowing their ages.

"You don't know how old your nephews are?" I asked her in disbelief.

She looked at me with a guilty look. I sighed and looked at both of them. "Okay, we don't have time right now. Let's go save those kids." I instructed them.

We all walked towards the exit and hopped inside one of the parks cars. Claire gave Owen the keys and he started the car. And we were off.

Claire was in the passenger seat while I sat in the back. She took out her phone and dialed one of the boys.

"Come on. Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up." She muttered nervously.

"I'm sure they'll be all right." I reassured her. She hung up the phone and nodded to reassure herself.

A few minutes had passed and we finally made it to the Valley. Owen stopped the car and opened the door. "Stay in the car." He told Claire.

I hopped off the car as well and walked cautiously with Owen. We calmly walked towards a brontosaurus. We sat near its head and Owen started to stroke her softly.

"It hurts." She strained out making me frown in sadness. "I saw how bloodthirsty he looked." She told me.

I nodded and put my hand on the side of her head. "You're - you're gonna be just fine." I calmly told her, holding back a few tears.

"I feel lightheaded." She told me, her eyes drooping a bit.

From the corner of my eye, I saw that Claire had sat down next to me. Brontosaurus groaned in pain again making Owen sigh.

I won't let anything happen to them (Human Male Blue! x reader)Where stories live. Discover now