chapter 3 - the first attack

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". . ." Talking

'. . .' thinking

Location: Tokyo

many people are walking on the streets of Tokyo, children, adults and many other types of people, Tokyo has always been a bustling city, we can see that everything is calm at the moment... at least for a while

Location: Tokyo Bay

Many people are recording something, many seem to be in shock and some seem strangely happy, what are they recording? a gigantic red Cloud was rising out of the water it looked like there was something in there and it didn't look very friendly, after a while several helicopters arrived and they seemed to be preparing something, so something that nobody thought would happen I just happened in front of everyone, A Great Sea Serpent known as Manda had come out of the water and tried to attack people, only to fail when something else came out of the water, biting her neck and taking her back to water as if she was nothing, at that moment everyone started running like never before and the alarm was activated, a Kaiju attack had started, then the water turns red like blood and a leg comes out of the water, it was the leg of a manda, then the big red Cloud starts to move with helicopters still following, while elsewhere the army is preparing to attack the unknown creature, the creature was now coming out of the water and then the army started releasing fire, shot everywhere visible from the creature, the creature's body seemed to change, she was getting bigger and seemed to have legs and arms now

Many people are recording something, many seem to be in shock and some seem strangely happy, what are they recording? a gigantic red Cloud was rising out of the water it looked like there was something in there and it didn't look very friendly, af...

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(Art by Fried_Chicken10)

the creature had the appearance of a beautiful woman, obviously it was a Kaiju, but no one had seen this type of Kaiju before, it looked like a titanosaurus More... titanosaurus had no dorsal plates but it didn't matter, She was advancing directly towards Tokyo, the army's weapons had no effect, she kept advancing at all costs not stopping for anything, the strange thing is that she seemed to be crawling and she didn't seem so used to walking even so it was still a danger, she kept walking to Tokyo without even caring about the Army Weapons I mean, all Kaiju were immune to weapons but even so they show discomfort and pain, this one just doesn't show anything

So after a while she Finally arrived in Tokyo already evacuated, She lowered her head and looked like she was going to do something but before she could do that, a Roar was heard and then she looked at back and saw something she never thought she'd see

So after a while she Finally arrived in Tokyo already evacuated, She lowered her head and looked like she was going to do something but before she could do that, a Roar was heard and then she looked at back and saw something she never thought she'...

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(Art by Fried_Chicken10, I was going to use another image but I couldn't find the original Creator to credit)

Gojira had appeared and was looking at the other Kaiju with a look of fury, then Godzilla seems to start the conversation with the other Kaiju in his own Kaiju language.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Why are you attacking these innocent people? I know you're not from Ghidorah's army, so why are you doing this?" Gojira I scream while asking questions to the other Kaiju who kept silent not wanting to speak, it looked like she was in shock

"Come on, who are you? don't make this harder than it needs to be, we don't want to get in trouble" Gojira asked to the other kaiju not lowering his Guard knowing she could be attacked at any moment

the other Kaiju remains silent and lowers his head

"what are you doing?" Gojira said getting on full alert as anything could happen right now

something can be heard, Gojira looks up and sees some kind of missile heading towards them.

"Why do they even try? It's Completely Useless" Gojira said when I looked back at the other kaiju and saw her expelling some kind of steam through her mouth.

"Wait... This looks familiar.... WAIT N-" Before Gojira could finish his sentence the missile hit the other Kaiju and the fire hit the steam making it all explode in a gigantic explosion, the steam was flammable, everything was covered in Flames, nothing could be seen, only the Large silhouettes of the 2 Kaijus,

then the smoke starts to disappear Slowly along with the red Mist, then the smoke cleared, revealing Gojira with some burn marks and the other Kaiju... was it crystallized? where the other Kaiju should have been Now is a kind of Crystal sculpture exactly like her

"Damn... Little Girl Got Serious issues" Gojira said while looking at the Kaiju shaped crystal

Gojira comes closer and even touches the Crystal and feels that the Kaiju is still alive inside.

"Well, my work here is over... and I'm going to take this crystal it can be dangerous in the hands of these humans" she said as she somehow caught the crystallized Kaiju with her bare hands as she walked back to the sea

as she walked back to the sea she held the crystallized Kaiju and then I look to where her breasts should be, there was nothing there

'it must be just me, or else her boobs are small' Gojira thought as she finally reached her goal and disappeared into the water just like every time.

----Some hours later----
location: Tokyo after the attack

the place where the explosion took place Now the public was not allowed to enter, due to a possible high level of heat, the vegetation was completely burned and things destroyed, there was an apocalyptic scenario, and people were destroying the government with questions, there were a lot of questions, social networks were in chaos, theories and a lot of things were going on, the world The whole world was in shock with the emergence of this new Kaiju, the news was happening all the time...

Location: Unknown

inside a dark place it was possible to see the crystal that the Kaiju had trapped, a part of it breaks revealing the Kaiju's eyes that slowly opened

here is chapter 4, sorry for taking so long, some unforeseen events happened, even so I managed to post the chapter, that's it, see you next Sunday

The Male Kaiju (Kaiju Girls x Godzilla última Reader) [discontinued]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu