Chapter 2 - what was that?

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". . ." Talking

'. . .' thinking


Location: ocean

We see a group of dolphins swimming and doing beautiful acrobatics but out of nowhere something jumps out of the water and eats them leaving nothing but blood and remains of organs while a kind of red tail passed by before disappearing into the ocean

-1 day later-

location: fishing vessel

this is a fishing boat where 3 friends are fishing while talking about something

"Hey man, did you see the news? Dolphins seem to be starting to disappear, doesn't that seem very strange? I mean, why did dolphins suddenly start disappearing?" the man said as he looked at the vast ocean

the man next to him looks at him and starts talking

"Really this is very strange, there is hardly any major hunting activity on the dolphins, it seems that they are simply dying or are avoiding humans." the man said when  stop looking at his friend and go back to looking at the ocean

while they were looking at the ocean another man was looking at some buckets while he sighed and said something to the other 2 men

"and the fish are disappearing too, and you already know what I say, no fish, no money and no money, no food" the man said as he kept looking at the empty buckets as he seemed to get sadder and sadder

then the other 2 men stopped looking at the sea and one of them went to do something else while the other started talking

"We should go back, it doesn't seem like our lucky day, and we're getting close to Monster Island and you already know what happens there" the man said as he took out a cigarette and started to smoke

the man who was looking at some kind of map seemed to agree and while the other one went in front of his friend who was smoking

"Look, I'm not leaving here without at least one fish." the man said in a menacing tone

the man who was smoking just walked away from him and  started to make the boat go away while the other guy didn't do anything and just start looking at the ocean clearly angry

so after a few minutes they were already away from the island of monsters and arriving at another area in the ocean and they saw out of nowhere something they never thought they would see just jump out of the water

"That... That's a..." one of the men tried to say something but he was in shock with what they were seeing

"Oh my god... I never thought I'd see something like this" the man next to him looked like he was about to burst into tears at what he was seeing

"it's just a humpback whale, never seen a whale before?" another man said coming close to them to look at the great beauty of the Humpback Whale

"not in person... that's magnificent... and beautiful" the man said as he looked at the beauty that was swimming near his boat while crying with emotion

"Enjoy Henry, it's a once in a lifetime moment, we must make the most of it" the man said as he looked at the whale that kept jumping out of the water, without noticing he started to smile

they were all in awe of the moment enjoying as much as possible as this can be a unique moment, so after several minutes the Whale stops jumping and returns to the ocean, disappearing into the ocean darkness

back to the men, they looked sad that the whale was gone

"Well, now that the show is over we can get back to our goal of leav-" the man was about to say something

but suddenly something jumped out of the water with the whale stuck in its mouth as it passed over their boat, the creature looked like a beautiful girl with red hair and yellow spots in her hair, her skin was pale and where it should have been its legs had a long tail and it looked like the tail of some kind of sea creature and its eyes were looking straight at them as if it could read their thoughts, time seemed to pass super slowly then the creature fell back into the ocean leaving a red mist behind and started to swim away, the men were simply unresponsive to what they saw

"....... Did someone record here?" one of the men said when he looks desperate to find out if someone recorded

"I recorded it" one of the men said when  pressed a button on his cell phone

"Post this on the internet, NOW" the man ran to the man with the cell phone to see the footage while the other was still in shock with what just happened in front of him

"ok... let's just ignore that a TITANOSAURUS that everyone thought was extinct just jumps out of the water with a whale in its mouth... should we also ignore that red mist?" the man said as he pointed to the red mist that was above them

"oh... I don't know man, none of us expected this, what matters is that we're going to be famous after this recording goes public!" the other man said still quite excited

"God please give my friends brains..." the man said in a sarcastic tone

"and how do you have a wi-fi signal?, we are in the ocean!" the man shout as he pointed to literally every corner that had water

"and that thing can come back to finish us off" the man said making your friends understand the situation

"That's true, we should get out of here as soon as possible, I don't want to become food for that thing" one of the men said as he went back to get them out of there

Then the boat starts to leave, while the boat was leaving, a part of a tail comes out of the water and volts quickly, it seems that something is following the boat


So, here's chapter 2, sorry if it was a bit boring and short, I was out of ideas, I'll try to make the next chapters more interesting, Now I'm going to rest a little, see you next Sunday, Bye!

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