"It's going to be alright. Karen's really good at making this feel more like a conversation than an interview. I always forget that I'm even on camera when I'm with her," you said. "And, if the nerves become too much, it's perfectly okay to ask for a break."

"I know. Thank you, dove," he said.

Marc's attention was pulled away from you as he heard the click-clack of a pair of heels approaching. He looked over at Karen as she walked up you and him. She wore a smile on her face as she asked, "We're almost done setting up if you're ready to get started."

Marc glanced at you, then looked back to Karen, and said, "We're ready."

"Great! Feel free to go ahead and take a seat, and we'll begin in just a few moments."

Marc nodded, squeezing your hand as the two of you walked over to the chairs. You had opted to have a loveseat for you and Marc, while Karen sat in a matching armchair across from the two of you. You'd said something about it showing how you and the system were considered a unit. Separate chairs indicate you're too separated from them, like there's a wedge between you and them. Marc wasn't sure how true that was, but figured you knew more about the vultures of the media and the gossiping geese than he did. You sank into the plush seat, and he sat beside you. He hadn't really intended to, but he sat so close, his leg rubbed against yours, you almost instinctually nestling next to him.

"You made a good choice with the seats, dove," Marc whispered to you, his nose brushing against the shell of your ear.

You smiled so wide you showed off your pretty teeth, your eyes crinkling at the corners. "Thank you, my love. Can I tell you a secret?"

Marc raised a brow. "Of course."

"I secretly picked this seating arrangement because I wanted to sit close to you," you whispered back.

Marc's face heated up. Fuck. Could he admit that this was all he ever wanted? To feel wanted? To know that someone loved him, cared for him, so much that they would so such sweet things? That they wanted to make him feel good, not hurt him? "I love you, dove. I love you so much."

"I love you, my love."

"God, you too are so sweet, it's going to give me a cavity," Karen said. She took her seat in the armchair. "We're ready to begin."

You nodded and indicated for Karen to continue.

Her face shifted slightly, taking on the more professional look associated with her journalistic skills. Her voice held the same air of professionalism as she said, "Good morning. I am here today with Her Majesty, Queen Y/N and her fiancés, Marc, Steven, and Jake. Marc is currently the one fronting. How are you all today?"

Marc watched as you smiled and said, "We're doing well, thank you. How are you?"

"I'm doing well, as well," Karen said. "First, I would like to congratulate you on acceding to the throne. The Crown suits you well, I think."

You let out a laugh. It sounded almost melodic. "I'm not sure how true that is now. I'm still adjusting to the position. It's already a steep learning curve, but when you add in everything that's happened...Well, I'm sure you can imagine the difficulties."

"She's being modest," Marc said, squeezing your hand. "Dove's being doing better than I ever could have imagined."

"I'm sure it helps that she has such an amazing support system," Karen said. "I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that watching the system and her interact...It seems like a fairy tale come true."

DO NOT CHASTISE THE DOVE (A MOON KNIGHT ROYAL AU)Where stories live. Discover now