True Mystical Power

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Without saying, The Show made possible by Esmeralda was quite the experience for all attending. Ricky saw that his best pal was in a better mood thanks to his endeavors. Which in turn, pleased him that he achieved his goal for the day. Though, the Filipino soon began to notice that Ty was a bit on edge. He believed that they were being followed by something or someone as the two headed over to Esmeralda's temporary residents located at the Radisson Hotel. Oddly, Esmeralda was quite fond of Ty and his dorky demeanor. After all, most girls see a dorky demeanor as attractive... Or Ricky so far believed that to be the case. "So, think Esmeralda is gonna give you her number, lucky man?" Ricky announced smugly as he elbowed Tyrik.

"Dude... I doubt she had that much of an interest in me..." Tyrik announced as he rearranged his jacket a bit, which was a nervous tick of his. "Though, I think it would be nice if that did happen." He added before reflecting on his experience being Ms. Ravenna's assistant on stage. Most of her performances seem to feel like true living magic than smoke and mirrors. Hell, Tyrik indeed knew that the opening act was real. He truly was transformed into an actual tiger. There was no other explanation for this to have been pulled off. Other tricks she performed, upon closer observation, lack any of the common items magicians have while being too realistic. 'Is Esmeralda an ACTUAL Magic User or Witch?' The Asian Young Adult thought to himself. 'Plus... What are those snake people I have been seeing lately? With the weaponry that they have, especially that Cobra Shredder Gal, has seemed to be suited for a battle against some kind of powerhouse...' He thought to himself in great detail. He also went over sources like Marvel, Sonic the Hedgehog, Lord of The Rings, and other related media to draw some kind of understanding of what is happening... Though, it may be another case of proving the statement 'If you don't go looking for Trouble. Trouble won't go looking for you.' entirely wrong.

"So, what is your idea of why Esmeralda wanted to see us in person? It isn't every day that a celebrity asks for a specific fan for a meet and greet you know..." Ricky added with a raised eyebrow to express the current confusion that was in the air between the two. It was indeed true for most cases for this to be out of place. Yet, Tyrik didn't want to think about this as much as Ricky desired to. He wanted to make the best of the situation as he could before waking up from a potentially very pleasant dream. Soon, the duo entered the Radisson and promptly approached the customer service desk with bated breath, mostly on Tyrik's behalf.

"Excuse me, Sir. I am here to see Ms. Esmeralda Ravenna. Name is Tyrik Kage and Ricky Santos..." The Timid young adult explained to the clerk as he rolled over to the desk's monitor to double-check the given information. Oddly, though, Tyrik's sense of smell began to detect an odd aroma. Tyrik looked around to search for the scent, hoping to locate the two snake humanoids before their plan could be carried out.

"Ay!" Shouted a feminine and thick Irish Accent from a newcomer, "Guessin you were de ahnes Mess Esmeralda 'ad invited over.[Guessing you were the ones Miss Esmeralda had invited over.]" The woman announced as she placed a hand on her hip with a small smile. As Ricky and Tyrik turned over to her, they came to see a very intimidating woman with a build that seemed like she could break you in half without any effort. Her hair dropped to her mid-neck and adorn a classy three-piece suit accompanied by a knee-length skirt. It was surprising to see that the woman's muscular build hasn't torn through the tight set of professionals that she wore. Her coloring had a mix of dark blue with traces of purple. Her hair seemed to be tied with the color of a dark shade of magenta. Though, she surprisingly needed to wear a set of rectangle glasses, which suggested she was just as smart as strong. "Me name is Kathleen Carney. Shahrt explanation, I serve as Esmeralda's show manager. Ahccasionally 'er caretaker too when she isn't bein respahnseble...[My name is Kathleen Carney. Short explanation, I serve as Esmeralda's show manager. Occasionally, her caretaker, too, when she isn't being responsible...] Whech is very annahyin to deal wit... [Which is very annoying to deal with...]" Ms. Carney exclaimed while rubbing the bridge of her nose. Though, after calming herself quickly, a soft mutter was heard by the young Asian American. "'Ahpefoehlly, she knows what she's doin wit you two...[Hopefully, she knows what she's doing with you two...]" The Irish bodybuilder announced as Tyrik wondered what Kathleen meant by this. "Now, please fahllow me. I'll be takin you bot to ooehr room at dis doehmp.[Now, please follow me. I'll be taking you both to our room at this dump.]" She ordered with a small hand gesture. Neither Tyrik nor Ricky dared to attempt to disobey her, which is mainly for the obvious physical disadvantages they had against this woman. Though, as soon they had departed for the floor and room number. Tyrik once again saw the two snake humans close behind, yet Kathleen stopped in her tracks while taking off her glasses in pure annoyance. With a small glance behind her, a flash of dark pink energy within her eyes shined. Tyrik felt his eyes briefly hurt from this glare. Heck, both Ricky and himself felt a major migraine before Kathleen placed her glasses back on. Looking behind himself one more time, Tyrik saw that the two seemed to be frozen in place as if the two were trapped within their own minds as they entered the elevator. Tyrik's sense of what was real and fantasy seemed to be turning on its head as he listened to the hum of the elevator between the various floors of the hotel building. Though, Kathleen looked back at him with a sense of concern visible on her face. "You doin ahk, yooehng man? Need anythin befahre we meet wit Mess Ravenna?[You doing ok, young man? Need anything before we meet with Miss Ravenna?]" Miss Carney asked as she went into her suit's pockets for some kind of medication.

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