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Chris POV

I was so hyped to go to L.A. with Bre she has really grown on me these past 2 months. I really do like her and I hope the one person from my past does not jeopardize this for me.


I was in my room doing some last minute packing when my doorbell rung.

I pushed myself off of the floor and climbed over the many suitcases I had.

When I opened the door I seen a grouchy looking Chris. Guess he's not a 6 in the morning person. Well guess what neither am I.

"Hey Bre..." he walked passed me and went to my room. I followed and wasn't surprised to seem him laid out on my bed.

I let him get in some sleep before we go catch the plane at 7. I went to the kitchen and made me some coffee. About 30 minutes later Chris came out of my room with my suitcases grunting. I laughed and went and out on my Sperry's.

"Bre come on so I can sleep on this plane." he said walking out the door with my stuff.

I grabbed my carry on bag and phone then proceeded to lock up my house.

I walked down the hall and the elevator was just now getting here. Chris dragged my things in behind him struggling a little, which caused me to laugh.

"How about you actually help carry all of this shit then" he handed me one of the handles and I just rolled my eyes and walked out of the elevator. When we got to his car he threw my luggage in the trunk and got in without unlocking my door.

"Chris open the goddamn door!" I said pulling on the handle.

"Release the handle"

I released and waited patiently. But his stupid ass didn't even unlovk the door.

"You have to repeat after me"

I huffed and nodded



"I wanna"

"I wanna"

"Fuck you"

"Fuck you...?"

"Right now been along time I've been missing your body ayeee" he unlocked the doors finally and I just laughed at his goofy ass.

"Attention the flight to Las Angeles, California will be bording in five minutes , I repeat five minutes."

Chris came out of the little gift shop smiling and grabbed my carry on bag for me.

"After you my lady" he said as we walked through the security system.

I laughed and took a picture of us walking throught the tunnel and put it on Instagram tagging him in it.

"Ughh now your fans are commenting on my shit!" he laughed and grabbed my hand

The flight sas pretty good. Besides Chris drewling on me and taking pictures of me.

We had just got our luggage and was headed out to the car that was waiting for us.

"Hey! Chris!"

"Is this your new girlfriend?"

"What will Ri-Ri say about this?"

Chris pushed me into the car to avoid the flashes.

"That was scary" I said buckling in.

He shrugged."You'll get use to it"

I rose my eyebrow and just put the question of what he meant in the back of my head.

Wonder where to next on our journey.


I wonder...what Chris meant by people of the past? Hmmm read to find out.

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