Chapter IV {Dark Arts Defence: Basic For Beginners}

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the sun shined bright through the windows of Hogwarts as the students attending the school rushed to their different classes. most of the running students were made up of lost first years, trying to find their way. of course no one helped them, they thought very unkindly of all the first years.

i hurriedly pushed through people making my way to my very first DADA class of the year. with Umbridge.

from her speech last night in the Great Hall i knew for a matter of fact i wouldn't be getting along with her. she has something about her that just doesn't sit well with me. not to mention she has the face of a toad.

i opened the big brown door that led to the DADA classroom and most of the students were already there. we had this class with the Gryffindor's. i sat down next to Draco in around the middle of the classroom.

"hey" i say smiling at him

"hey baby" he whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine

Padma and Parvati Patil began sending an enchanted, paper bird soaring across the classroom. it made its way over to me and Draco so i blew lightly on it and it lifted slightly higher in the air. i smiled showing my dimples.

it flew over to Seamus Finnigan and he hit it. the bird went a little off course but began flying back to its owners. Crabbe hit it with some kind of pellet and it dived down a little. it flew straight upwards towards the ceiling before bursting into flames and landing right back on Padma and Parvati's desk

"good morning, children." the toad of a teacher said from the back of the classroom. everyone turned to stare at her

"Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations." Umbridge said as she wrote it on the chalk board "O.W.L's. more commonly known as Owls." she said smiling down at us

"why is she talking to us like we're two year olds?" i mumble to Draco

"i don't know but its quite annoying." he said

"study hard and you will be rewarded, fail to do so and the consequences may be severe." she said her smile growing bigger, if that was even possible

she flicked her wand and the stack of books that were sitting on her desk began moving towards us. two landing on each desk

"your previous instruction of this subject has been disturbingly" the books slammed on our desk "uneven. but you will be pleased to know that for now on you will be following a carefully structured ministry approved course of Defensive Magic."

the book's title was Dark Arts Defence Basics For Beginners

"yes?" Umbridge said as Hermione raised her hand

"there's nothing in here about using Defensive spells." Hermione said but it came out as more of a question

"using spells?!" Umbridge gave a little giggle that would probably haunt me for life "well, i can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."

"we're not gonna use magic?" i ask out loud

Umbridge's head snaps so fast at me i thought it would fall off. she began slowly approaching me saying "you will be learning defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way."

"what use is that? if we're going to be attacked it won't be risk-free." Harry snapped

"students will raise their hands when they speak in my class!" Umbridge yells

she turns back around smiling an obviously forced smile

"it is the view of the ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations, which after all is what school is all about." Umbridge says waving her hands everywhere

"and how is theory supposed to prepare us for whats out there?" Harry presses

my pulse begins to quicken

"there is nothing out there, dear. who do you imagine would want to attack children, like yourself?" Umbridge questions

my blood begins to boil

"oh, i don't know, maybe Lord Voldemort?" i yell, sarcasm dripping from every word

the class gasps loudly and stops what they were doing to listen in. whispers among the students began getting louder

Umbridge looks very taken aback, her eyes signal me out and she begins walking close to me

"now let me make this quite plain, you have been told that a certain Dark wizard is at large once again. this. is. a. lie!" Umbridge says as she approaches me and Harry

"it is not a lie! i saw him! i fought him!" Harry yells

"DETENTION MR. POTTER!" Umbridge yells storming back to the front of the classroom

"so according to you Vanessa Wilde got that dreadful carving in her arm all on her own accord?!" Harry yelled

my eyes widened largely and the whole class turned in their seats to stare at me with equally large eyes, but i could only feel one pair of eyes on me. Umbridge's

"Miss Wilde's circumstances was a tragic accident, she was obviously going through a hard period of time in her life."

"YOU THINK I DID THIS TO MYSELF?!" I yell jumping out of my seat

Draco tries to pull me back down by tugging on my arm but i stand my ground


"ENOUGH!" Umbridge screeched

me and Harry both fell silent

"see me later Miss Wilde and Mister Potter, my office." Umbridge said giving us one last giggle

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