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The SCP Foundation, a place where the anomalous and unknown are contained and kept locked away from the world. An organization that is bent on wanting to keep the entire world as normal as possible, while keeping the anomalous within the shadows, so that they hope they it does not come out into the outside world.

In this building, the people here are very strict and cold in their line of work. They mostly take their jobs at the SCP Foundation very seriously, and do not even dare think of seeing anything dIstracting in this place. The entities are very dangerous and very aggressive, and even the dangers comes from the ones that mean no harm, and are truly kind entities. Some are even capable of causing mass devastation and is even able to destroy the world. As well as entities that are able to affect and destroy Universes without any sort of issue whatsoever. and in this case, there are 2 such entities, and they are in containment in the SCP Foundation.

Inside of what should have been a containment chamber for the 2 SCPs that are now in containment, it has now changed into what now resembles a type of interior of a mansion, due to the powers of one of the SCPs, who is a young child in physical age. The other SCP, is the one that has raised it. The entity takes on the form of a skeleton at the height of 5'4. The skeleton is glitchy and black, with a color palette mainly consisting of dark reds/reds, dark blues/blues, yellows, oranges, and blacks. He has two unsymmetrical eyes, one a small yellow pupil and the other is a circle with yellow, blue and black. there are blue markings on his face that assemble "tears". He wears a simple red shirt over a large, white overcoat that travels all the way down to his black shorts with blue stripes at the front. The white overcoat possesses a strange set of eyes, latched directly onto the overcoat. He wears a sky blue scarf over his neck, commonly curled over his neck.

 He wears a sky blue scarf over his neck, commonly curled over his neck

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It is none other than Error, the God of Destruction himself. He is one of the strongest entities of all time, and is a Polothorn. He is inside of the containment cell, mainly because he allowed the Foundation to bring him inside of the Foundation.

Once a Classic!Sans, he had also once been a Sans known as Geno, which gave the name to himself as. He renamed himself Geno, because he has let everyone be cared about die. And then, he is renamed to Error, due to the fact that the Goddess of his Multiverse, Fate, took him and corrupted his very being, who he had been free from. Ever since regaining his freedom, he is able to stop destroying AUs against his will and is able to live his own life, but has constantly fight against Ink, who is his enemy. And Ink, taking the Soul of a being of chaotic might and of incomprehensible form, became even more dangerous than ever before, which forced Error to take a stand against Ink to try and stop him. And then, when Ink sensed a very strong presence who Error was with, their fight ended in Error sending Ink into a type of realm in between different existences. Of course, this is not going to hold Ink in forever. The best that this did is stop Ink for a temporary amount of time. And Error had no doubt that Ink will be able to escape, although how long it will take for Ink to escape, he does not know. All that he knows is that he needs to prepare for the next battle against Ink so that he does not get the kid killed for his troubles. And now, as of today, Error has to end up in a place as secure as this, though this is not going to hold him forever, as Error can simply waltz out of the containment room.

The God of 2 Existences (Alphaverse-SCPverse Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now