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Randy stood at the guerrilla patiently and alone, waiting to be called out. His gold was tightly wrapped around his shoulders as he held them tightly, knowing this could be his last run with the titles.

"You're going to be irrelevant."

"Actually you're already irrelevant."

"You'll never be good enough."

"Especially to her."

"That's why she left you."

Randy shook his head, furrowing his brows and stared at the ground. Voices. Those stupid voices were coming back again. He continued to shake his head as he placed his hands on his face. Luckily no one was around to see what was happening to Randy, he was getting frustrated with the voices.

Randy barely heard his theme play as he was too busy focusing on the voices he was hearing, that one of the backstage producers had to remind him. Randy walked out to the ramp, with his belt slung onto his muscular shoulders, having a serious look but confidence.

Hearing the arena filled with loud boo's made Randy a bit nervous. As Randy stepped into the ring, he noticed a couple of signs that had the letters 'RKO' on it, meaning they were supporting him. He couldn't help but smirk slightly as he reached and grabbed a microphone.

"I am Randy Orton, the face of this company." Randy started as licked his lips, looking through the crowd. "Now allow me to introduce to you, my family."

The Authority's theme began to play as Randy introduces each of the members. Seth was the last one to introduce, before introducing Seth, Randy took a deep breath in and introduced him as his teeth gritted. Randy and Seth never gotten along, they have just despised each other. The Authority started walking down the ramp with smirks on their faces, Seth being centre with a huge cocky grin.

"Thank you Randy for the lovely introduction." Stephanie says, sending a sweet smile towards Randy. He couldn't help but mentally roll his eyes as his gaze slowly travelled to the floor. As the time slowly passed by, Randy wasn't paying attention to whatever Stephanie was saying. All he knew was, Stephanie ran on about The Authority sharing a strong bond.

She then passed the microphone to Seth, who already had a smirk rising on his face. "That's right Stephanie. We are a family and we help each other out. We don't turn our backs on each other, although I did that with the shield." Seth said and started laughing into the microphone loudly, literally causing Randy to cringe. "But, I made the right decision and for the better. I am the architect and Mr. Money in the bank. I am the future of this business."

"Don't let this "golden boy" talk like that."

"You should learn how to use your voice."

"Who cares if you break the authority?"

"They don't even need you anymore."

"Because they already replaced you with Mr. Golden boy."

Randy let out a furious growl as his face immediately turning red. The voices he was hearing got the best of him. Stephanie looked at Randy, her eyes wide opened and her mouth slightly apart, surprised at the unexpected reaction. He didn't care how much trouble he would be in after, all he needed to do was leave. Randy slowly got out of the ring, and before leaving the ring, he roughly pushed his shoulder against Seth's purposely.

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