Championship discuss

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It was a normal day for most people except for the WWE World heavyweight Champion Randy Orton. Sitting in his locker room in the dark by himself, was part of Randy's everyday routine, unless he was inside a wrestling ring.

Randy brought his hands behind his neck letting a few sighs escape from his mouth. He had a meeting later on with his team, The Authority. He couldn't stand his new teammate, Seth Rollins, who was currently known as Mr. Money in the bank. There were many things wrong with him. The way he complained every time something doesn't go his way, the cockiness and confidence he had, all attention only draws on him, and the list continues.

Tonight was also Monday night RAW. He didn't have anything to do, other then accompany and be by Hunter's side on RAW. As he walked down the halls, there was many people smiling and laughing at each other. Mentally rolling his eyes, he continued walking.

Finally arriving in front of the authority's office, Randy didn't hesitate to knock on the door, instead he just walked in careless.

"Hey Randy." Hunter says in his gruff voice, bringing Randy into the office as he automatically met Seth Rollins's gaze. Randy didn't bother replying back as he took a deep breath, clenching his jaw tightly and took the farthest seat away from him.

Seconds later Stephanie McMahon walks in with a smile and with a bunch of papers in her hand meaning it was business time. She placed the papers on the desk and took a seat next to her husband. Both Hunter and Stephanie exchanged looks, looking at each other to decide who would break the news.

"Randy," Stephanie starts with a sigh, breathing through her nostrils as she breaks the awkward silence. "You have done an outstanding job as a champion."

Randy looked at her suspiciously, not knowing where she was coming at and what she was going to do with him. Randy could hear snickers coming from his left side as his eyes darkened while staring at Seth and his two security friends, J&J security. Seth thought what Stephanie said was a joke.

"I agree with Stephanie." Hunter said as he nods his head. Randy looked away from Seth and listened to what Hunter was talking about. "You have proven to us, to everyone, that you can be the face of this company. We know you've been doing so well as champion but, you're going to have to lose that championship."

Randy's eyes wide opened as he stared at Triple H in disbelief. Shaking his head, he stood up from his seat and started pacing around the room.

"Randy! Please understand and calm down!" Stephanie pleads, but that doesn't stop Randy from pacing. "You have had your time to shine and it's time that we let others break out of their shells and have a chance."

"I don't deserve this!" Randy yelled. "I don't deserve to be treated this way, Steph! I am the WWE world heavyweight champion for crying out loud! I have done a lot for this business, and I have been carrying this company's ass for the past few years!"

The room stood silent as Hunter and Stephanie stared blankly at Randy. Randy breathed heavily, face turning to a deep shade of red. He let out a cold laugh, never breaking contact with Hunter. Hunter's lips pressed together. He wasn't surprised with Randy's outburst.

"I can't believe you guys want me to lose this champion. I am Randy Orton, damn it! I have made this title importan—"

"—Randy! Just listen to me!" Triple H yelled cutting Randy's rant. "I know that you are one of the greatest athletes I have ever met and seen. But with that anger you have, you're lucky to still be in this business."

Randy's lips closed as he bit his tongue. He was minutes away from completely exploding. He slowly closed his eyes, taking deep breaths. Randy knew that he had terrible and short temper, which was why he took anger class years ago. But, he's realizing that his anger was slowly coming back.

"Trust me, what we're doing is always best for business." Stephanie said.

"Excuse me, sorry for interrupting but I have a brilliant idea. . ." Seth spoke with a small smirk planting on his face as he licked his lips. "What if Randy lost that champion to me?"

Seth's smirk turned into a grin as a laugh escaped from his mouth and sat in his seat proud of his idea. Hunter noticed the champion slowly start shaking, meaning he was close to explode. Randy could careless if the meeting was soon to be over or not. He couldn't handle all of this. Randy stood up from his seat as he slowly made eye contact with Triple H, he clenched his jaw once again, quickly narrowing his eyes towards Seth who was smiling with confidence, before storming out of the office and slamming the door loudly behind him.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." Randy mumbles to himself.

"Hey, champ." John says with a smile as he noticed Randy standing by the crates alone. Randy looked up before doing their hand shake. John noticed the frown on Randy's face, being Randy's friends for many many years, he knew whenever something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" John asked as his smile slowly faded, stopped smiling.

"Hunter and Stephanie wants me to lose my championship." Randy says staring at his precious gold that was on his shoulder, with a small frown.

"Already?" John asked and looked at Randy weirdly, before glancing on Randy's shoulder. "You've been champion for less than a month and they're making you lose it already?"

"Exactly!" Randy exclaimed, obviously frustrated.

"I wonder who they're going to make you lose it to." John said.

"Probably to Seth. He propped an idea to them about him cashing in on me." Randy said with a sigh.

"Man, I hate that dude." John said.

"Who doesn't?" Randy asked as they both chuckle.

"I know what can help you get your mind off of the title." John said

"It's been a while since we've been to a club together, more like years." John says as Randy immediately shook his head 'no'. John frowned at Randy. Back then, John knew Randy loved going to the bars and bringing home chicks.

John knew that Randy wasn't over her.

"Come on man!" John pleaded, but Randy shook his head.

The one thing John knew very well about Randy is his stubbornness. "I will not date anyone ever again." Randy spoke as he slung his championship onto his shoulders before walking away.

He promised himself not to fall in love with someone else after a girl.


Hey guys Ruth here, the books finally out! I actually liked how I wrote this, sorry for the mistakes and yeah but I'll edit it later. Gotta keep continuing this book! Leave your opinions about this chapter, it will defiantly mean a lot! Thanks a bunch xx

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