Chapter 14- daddy issues

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Tw: mentions of abuse/domestic violence
Eddie POV

When I open my eyes again all I see a a white roof and a steady beeping. Things slowly come into focus and I realise I'm in a hospital room, at least I'm not dead I guess, a doctor comes in and tells me what they did, just gross medical stuff then put me on a much of drugs with morphine being given to me through a drip, that's pretty cool, drugs are awesome.

A minute or two after the doctor leaves Steve runs into the room, I smile when I see him, he seems really happy to see me which I'm glad about, until he says my dads here. He shouldn't be here, he can't be here.

After Will and Mike leave my dad comes up to me "Edward its been to long son" he says. Edward, ugh I hate that name, it's repulsive and makes me wish I was never born

"Don't call me Edward or son, and get the fuck out" i reply, I don't need him in my fucking life, he's the one that left. I've never needed him so he can't just show up and expect a warm welcome

"Come on Edward, I know it's been awhile but I've missed you, we need to catch up" he says  and Steve moves in front of him

"He told you to leave, so fucking get out before I make you" Steve threatens, it's sweet he's protective but I don't need that from him right now, I take Steve's hand and he looks at me

"Steve it's ok, you don't need to say anything, I'll deal with it" I hold my stomach as I sit up with is mad painful. I look at my dad, no I'm not even gonna call him that...But I'm severely uncomfortable with his first name being Steven so I just won't call him anything "I haven't needed you since I was eight and I still don't need you, you're a horrible person and after joe much you hurt my mother, after how much you hurt me, you should be rotting in jail or dead, so fuck off before my boyfriend to call security" I didn't have to say boyfriend but I know he's hella homophobic and I wanted to piss him off.

As he's about to leave Wayne walks in "Steven.. what're you doing here?" That'll work I guess. Wayne's hated my dad since before he went out with my mum. Dad was really controlling and sometimes abusive, more towards my mum then me, she eventually died, to this dad Wayne won't tell me how, which drives me inside cuz I deserve to know, she was his sister but also my mother I should know how she died. Dad left after a few weeks alone with me so Wayne took me in.

"Wayne, I was just here to see my son, you know he has Sarah's eyes" he I over hear him say. Sarah was my mum

"Get her name out of your fucking mouth" Wayne retorts. My dad just laughs and pushes him to the side and walks out. Wayne follows him out, he's gonna beat him up, he always says he'll hurt him one day, I guess todays that dad.

After maybe 10 minutes Wayne comes back in and walks over to me "Eddie are you ok? Did he bother you too much? And what happened why the hell are you in hospital"

I realise I'm holding Steve's hand way too tightly so I let go a little "yeah I'm ok, he didn't say much, and I'm here cuz I got attacked by some stupid animal thing"

He nods "alright, you probably need to rest after you catch up with your friends.. do you know how long you'll need to be here?"

"A few days at least they said, but I can help pay for the bill, you can just take whatever you need from the top draw in my room" i reply

He nods "I'll scrap together whatever I can without your money, but thank you" he smiles and I just nod

"Hey um if you need help covering the bill I can lend you some money" Steve says, from beside me

"Thanks Steve but we'll  be  good for it right wayne?" I look at wayne who just nods

"I know you are.. but can you let me do this for you, i want to, consider it an 'I'm sorry for letting a flesh eating monster attack you' present" he practically begs

I laugh a little "fine, I'll let you pay half" I agree, he seems to be ok with this. "Um Wayne this is Steve Harrington.. my boyfriend"

"Oh, we'll thank you Steve, Eddie's lucky to have you" he says. I smile and move over so Steve can lay next to me also so I can lean against him.

I fall asleep after awhile, Wayne had to go back to work but Steve and the others stay for awhile

Meant to be yours. Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now