Chapter 3- Natural 20

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Steve POV

In the morning I wake up relatively early, around 8, it takes me a minute to remember that I'm in Eddie's room. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I take a quick shower then go to get some food from my car, as I walk past the couch I see Eddie asleep on it.

His hair is messy and half covering his face, he's dangling one hand off the couch and the over under then pillow, i think he looks cute though, he looks absolutely done with the world but in a cute way.

I go grab the food from my car then come back in. I leave Eddie to sleep and sit in his room, trying to not to be messy. I look around once again and notice a open lunch box kinda think next to the bed.

It seems horrible, I look inside and see just a bunch of leaves- oh right, I heard he was a drug dealer I just wasn't sure if it was true but it doesn't entirely surprise me.

I hope he doesn't do drugs around the kids or t to sell to them, I don't want them being impacted by that.

after awhile I see Eddie come into the room, he doesn't look at me or anything. He rubs his eyes and walks over to the set of draws. He takes off the rings and chains he's still wearing and puts them on top of the draws then ties back his hair, I've never seen his hair tied back, it suits him.

He then turns to me and jumps "Jesus, I forgot you were here" he walks over and grabs the box I was looking at and takes out a join, "how long have you been awake?" He lights it up.

"I don't know, an hour or two, how'd you sleep?" I ask, trying not to breath in the smoke he's blowing everywhere

"Alright, what about you?" He replies, sitting on the bed next to me

"Really well thanks" I cough a little when he accidentally blows the smoke in my face

"Shit sorry" he gets up and puts out the cigarette then sits back down

"No it's all good, you can smoke if you want to, I really don't mind" he smile

He shakes his head "nah I'm tryina quit anyway" he looks at me "so uh.. did you still wanna lean DnD?"

"Yeah definitely" i reply, he smiles and gets up and grabs a bunch of books and puts them on the best "holy shit we have to go through all of this?"

"Yep, I hope you didn't have other plans, this might take awhile" he opens up the firstborn and statue explaining a bunch of stuff

He explains most of the games and runs me though all the races and classes and villains and all that "ok so then you have your dice? The D20 is the most important" he hands me a 20 side dice "basically it determines how successful your moves are and if you can or can't do something, if you roll a natural 1 it's an instant fault, but if you roll a natural 20 it's an instant win"

I nod "interesting so hypothetical, right now, if I roll a natural twenty and say you have to cancel hellfire for three weeks.. you would have to do it"

"well yes but-" I roll the dice before he can finish, it only lands on a 2, and he laughs "nice try Harrington, but two can play at that game if I roll a natural 20 you have to get a buzz cut"

"Now that's not fair- ok you're better at rolling then me" in protest, no way in hell I'm shaving my head. Eddie shrugs and rolls the nice. 17, way to close "alright if I roll a 20 you tell me why this game is like your entire life" I'm sure he'd tell me if I asked but I'm curiously.

I roll the dice and it lands on 19 "you know you could've just asked, I'll answer anyway cuz that was pretty good for your second roll. I like the game cuz it's so different to reality, everything sucks in the real world, in the game I can be something better, I can make sure people like Jason aren't in control... it's a distraction from everything wrong with the world"

"Wow.. that's really deep, I thought you just liked killing people.." i reply, he laughs

"Ok Harrington, my turn" he takes the dice "if I roll a 20 would you tell me your sexuality?" He rolls the dice. A 20. "Oh wow I didn't think I'd get it, you don't have to if you're not comfortable doing that"

"No it's cool.. I'm unlabelled.. I'm still figuring stuff out, I think I like boys and girls but I don't know and I don't want a label"

He nods "that's cool" he smiles and hands me the dice. I looks at him, I know he's openly gay, Dustin told me.

Now as I'm thinking about it he is really nice, we'll nicer then I thought he would be "if I roll a 20... you kiss me.." On the very small chance it's a twenty I'll make sure he knows he doesn't have to, I'll say it was a joke.

He blushes a lot and watches the dice, he has no hope In my I can tell. I roll the dice and when it lands it's leaning against one of the books, landed on and angle showing both 19 and 20..

I look at him. He's not doing anything, but he looks nervous, then he quickly backs the dice and all the books "this is a stupid game,"

He starts putting it all way "hey, wait I'm really sorry that was a Shitty thing to say, I didn't mean it"

"I think you should go home Steve.." he says, not making eye contacts.

I look at him "ok.. I'm sorry" I walk out of the trailer and get into my car. That was so stupid why would i say that? I don't even like him! And even if I did he wouldn't like me

Meant to be yours. Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now