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We walk up and I'm wearing black cargo bottoms and a white shirt with combat boots while the boys are wearing suits again.

"So welcome you guys we are very happy you guys are here. How are you feeling?" A man said

We all say good

"So let's get onto the movie." He said "how would you describe it?"

"Really interesting and fun" I say

"Full of suprised" James said

"Magical" Oliver says we laugh

"So last time you guys did an interview you said you were planning for more movies than books is thay still the case?" He asked

"Yes yes there is we have worked very hard on a few scenes for the movie but it will take years" James said

"Yeah we need to be grown up so we are working hard on the very few scenes we can do now" I say

"And oliver are you in on this?"

"I am but I'm not in any ewcenr scenes I'm only in a few" Oliver said

"So is the movie exactly like the book or slightly different?"

"We are going to be honest it does not have all the scenes as the book does because we did the math and the movie would be like 8 hours long and as much of fun that would be no one would want to sit for 8 hours watching a book so we've adapted a few things abd changed a few lines but everything is based on the books and jk Rowling herself has approved of it" James said

"Can you guys leak any info on the movie you are still working on?"

"I don't think we can other than of course most of it is based on when we are older" I say

"Yeah it's like the overall of Harry Potter like a small recap I guess of people's lifes" James said I nod

"So is it about love life or just progress or what?" He asked

"We can't tell you yet you'll just have to wait" I say

"Oh well I guess we will move on to your brothers shelby" He said "How happy are they for you?"

"Um I'd say it's 70/30 one part happy and proud one part jealousy" I say the twins laugh

"So who would you say is the most jealous?"

"Simon.... but it's only because he auditioned too and got through three auditions and didbt get in"

"How many auditions did you guys go through?"

"About 4" Oliver said

"I did 5" I say

"Wow that's a lot" He said "in a past interview jk Rowling said that when you, shelby, were auditioning with her there when they were discussing you would look at her. She said she knew you were hermione the moment she saw how determined you were just looking at her" He said "what were you thinking?"

"I worked so hard to get there I wasn't just turning back. I knew this was my role. There was a few times I didn't think I was getting it but when I stood infront of her i knew I wanted it and I wasn't giving up"

"Ok so how was it being the weasley twins did you prank a lot inside and outside of filming?" He asked

"Nothing serious just a few jokes and lies them admitting it." Oliver said

"But it's method acting" James shrugs his shoulders

"Can you tell that's their excuse?" I say the crowd laughs

"So how's your tumbling going?"

"It's getting better I should be starting competitions soon for dance" I say the crowd woos

"Do you mind showing us something?" He asked

"No not at all" I say standing up and getting to the right of the stage.

(Ignore the song it isnt out until 2022)

Everyone clapped even James and oliver

"Wow so are you going to do cheerleading or something?" He asked

"I'm trying out for my first year of secondary school." I say they clapped

"When's that next year?" I nod

"In a few months yes" they clap

"So are you guys planning on going to the same school?" He asked

"No every person in the cast live somewhere different" oliver said "so we are all going to a different school than everyone else." Oliver said

"But we do plan up visiting everyone and staying for sleepovers just to keep caught up with eachothers lifes" James said

"Well that sounds very fun but sadly we've ran out of time so if we can give a round of applause to the best of actors yet" He shouted over the clapping "even as kids these are on of the most professional people I've seen"

We wave bye and make our way to the car and all sit in the back.

"Yours not tired this time are you?" James asked

"No but I do want to relax a bit so" I put my feet up again "thank you"

He groaned

We Were Just Kids ~ fred weasley/James phelpsWhere stories live. Discover now