last meeting

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Once the characters all had an actor we were starting the script and doing the lines over and over. Being measured and having to try our clothes on.

It was our last meeting was when we signed a contract me and my mum saying I will be acting for the rest of the books and making a side movie during all this for hermiones love interest.

I signed it and so did my mum.

The directors spoke to Ms Rowling and she said that Harry's love interest was ginny but she's a bit young so they wouldn't be filming.

She also said Ron would be dying so he didn't need to sign a contract like that.

And she said hermiones love interest would be Fred.

She promised that she wouldn't change it in the book (she was wrong)

"Okay guys so you are probably wondering why some of you have a side movie on your contracts." The producer said "that is because we are making a movie for the golden trios life. However we've been told something from jk and we thought we would tell you guys now. You cabt tell anyone else ok?" We all nodded "Harry's love interest is Ginny. Hermiones interest is Fred. And Ron sadly passes away so you don't get a movie but you will be in both of them as much as you can"

I look at James who is speaking to oliver most likely about the movie because he was turning bright red probably the same colour I am.

We start our homework and I spoke to Tom Felton.

He came back from the hair dressers with bright white hair.

The twins got up and left to go to the hair dressers and when they came back their once brown hair was ginger!

I'm not going in there and if I am there will be no dying I like my brown hair.

Once we left I went to my dance class and went home getting ready for our trip down to Warner Brothers to start filming tomorrow.

We Were Just Kids ~ fred weasley/James phelpsWhere stories live. Discover now