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if minghao was honest, yes, he did cry.
he started to cry even before opening the letters his best friendhis crush and soulmate left for him and his friends.
his pile had significantly more letters than his other friends— counted eight while the rest had at least five to six.

minghao didn't know why, but once he had reached his apartment after the funeral of his best friend the following day after junhui died— his partner in crime, he had immediately qopened the first letter dedicated to him.

he cried, yes.
the tears of a never-ending waterfall kept on going and going, never once stopping until minghao had cried himself to sleep on that very doorway of his small yet homey apartment— never once standing up from his knees to his chest posture, not even once did he feel uncomfortable in his black suit that was required to wear during the funeral.
he just cried, until his eyes turned puffy and red.

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