Chapter 1- Welcome to Harleton(Draft)

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Monday, December 6

The Dubois penthouse is in pandemonium as everyone prepares for Victoria's first day back at school since Thanksgiving break, with everyone still in shock over the news they heard last week.


"Aaaand done you look sooo good" Julia says as she finishes the high ponytail look that gives me that facelift aesthetic.

Julia pulls a mirror towards me as I stand and do some poses modeling as I admire my long ponytail that touches my lower back.

"You did it again Julia perfection as always" I say as she jumps up and claps her hands in excitement as she always does when she slays a new look.

"THE NEWS, IT'S ON TURN IT UP , TURN IT UP!!" Julia shouts as Peter grabs the remote beside him and turns up the volume.

As the sounds of the news reporter fills the room I look back to see Tyler sitting in the corner leaning on the wall watching the TV from a far.

"Good morning citizens of Harleton, I'm here reporting LIVE from New Harleton High School the newest edition to our little town, an academy that was a project spearheaded by Businessman and CEO of Dubois Industries Victor Dubois formerly known as Noah Hanes a former Mayor of Harleton, Texas.

This beautiful high school sits at the heart of  North Harleton and was only exclusive to Northside residents. But that was until last Sunday when it was announced that the Southside Harleton High School a nearly 80 year old building would finally be closing down.

While open the school became well known for its reputation of gun violence, drugs, gangs and killings. Over the Thanksgiving weekend it's said that the internal pipelines and sewage system collapsed across the school costing possibly millions to fix and a complete renovation.

Some experts say that the building was old and it was only a matter of time others speculate someone was behind it.

Mayor Cortez decided that the students of southside be transferred to New Harleton early December pushing back Thanksgiving break a whole week to give kids and the school time to adjust stating and I quote "This was message from above to finally shut that purgatory down once and for all and offer these kids a real education" The reporter on tv says as the TV is then put on mute.

"A message from above HA!, he wouldn't know a message from above if it dropped a house on him" My father says enraged as he comes into the living room for a break.

The phone in his office has been going off since 5 this morning and as he stepped out to get a break you still hear multiple phones ringing from his room.

My father places both hands on the couch as he sighs while putting his head down.

I reach to hold my father's hands as Tyler comes behind and rubs his back while my dad takes deep breaths as the phones continue ringing in the background.

Julia comes from the kitchen and sets a cup of coffee down on the side table beside the couch for my father.

"Thank you, Ms. Riviera" My father says as he takes a sip of his coffee and sits down.

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