Every Journey Begins With A Single Ed

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"25 cents! Only 25 cents!" Is shouted amongst the crown of teens on their way to a meeting destination or already in discussion. "Come one, come all! Here at EDwork Stop!" The one shouting is screaming into a megaphone in a booth with a sign and slogan that says "EDwork Stop: Why do your homework when someone else can do it for you!" Next to him is a man slightly taller than him who you will always find wearing headwear. Nervously and anxiously he stands smiling, seemingly not wanting to be in the position he's in. Lastly behind them both running around trying to catch a butterfly is a humble giant who seems unfazed and unaware of his surroundings. They are the Eds, Eddy being the shortest and raising his voice, Edd or better known as Double D darting his gaze left and right to see if any teachers see the commotion and Ed is the tall and lovable one. "I'm telling you Double D 25 cents ain't cutting it no more, we need to start racking up some real cash." Eddy says frustrated,
"Eddy please, if somebody reports us we could be suspended." Double D pleads, terrified of the consequences as it is against school code to fabricate homework.
"Lighten up sock head, it's high school nobody cares." Eddy says casually while throwing up his hands at the crowd around them unperturbed by what they are doing. Double D sinks this in and retaliates,
"Eddy, I'll have you know that there are plenty of upstanding rule abiding-"
"Blah blah you're giving me a headache." Eddy says while rubbing his forehead, cutting off Double D. Double D sighs remembering when Eddy sets his mind to something it's almost impossible to talk him out of it.
"Can't we ever just run a legitimate business for once." Double D says tiredly. Eddy takes offense to this,
"Hey! This is a legitimate business, we aren't scamming anybody, I'm done with that Double D, honest." Eddy says while raising his left hand and putting the other on his heart. Before Double D can respond Eddy finishes his thought, "Now I'm pulling fast ones on the people who deserve it like this stupid high school, making us go to class instead of making some moolah." Eddy says slyly while rubbing his thumb and finger. Eddy puts his arm around Double D and continues "C'mon Double D everybody wins, we fill our pockets and our loyal customers can rest at ease knowing they don't have to waste their entire Friday doing Geometry!" Eddy says roaring clenching his fists. Double D is unamused, before he can retaliate about why each student is expected to do their own homework and by not doing so in truth they are actually cheating themselves, something catches his eye. It's none other than the Kankers walking into the high school except with unusual company.
"Eddy who are they?" Double D asked intrigued, Eddy looks over to where Double D is looking caught off guard by the sudden question and change in tone and demeanor. Eddy instantly understands,
"You don't want to mess with those guys Double D, that's Joey's posse." Eddy looks Double D in the eyes "I've heard the stories, when they want something they'll get it, nobody crosses them." Eddy says seriously,
"Why are the Kankers with them?" Double D asks concerned due to his good nature and compassionate heart. Eddy rolls his eyes and shrugs
"Beats me, hey maybe after all this time they finally found themselves some actually boyfriends." Eddy says with glee at the potential of them finally ridding themselves of the Kankers. Ever since the incident with Eddy's brother, the Kankers had hardly been a threat. They tired of course but with the cul-de-sac kids standing together with the Eds, the Kankers never stood a chance. "If you ask me they're perfect for each other." Eddy says jokingly yet somewhat serious. Before they knew it the other cul-de-sac kids made their way into view walking into the high school. Kevin and Nazz were walking side by side, they were the school couple as they've been together for years. Kevin was the school athlete doing both football and basketball and Nazz cheered him on as the captain of the cheerleading team. Sarah and Jimmy have their own group of friends they're walking into school with but they always make time for the others, Ed and Sarah have a good relationship since the incident with Eddy's brother, Ed always takes Sarah and Jimmy to school now. Jonny keeps to himself, he stopped carrying Plank around and Rolf is... still Rolf. Not long after the others made their way inside the high school, the Eds hear a ringing sound.
"Hey guys my pocket is hungry?" Ed says having given up on catching the butterfly and now focused on the weird noise his pocket was making. Eddy not amused reaches into Ed's pocket and pulls out a phone.
"Lumpy you got a phone!" Eddy says surprised to see Ed has a phone.
"It's not mine Eddy." Ed says just as surprised to see a phone come out of his pocket.
"Where did you get this, Ed?" Double D asked curiously,
"I don't know, it was just there." Ed says innocently.
"And money grows on trees!" Eddy says sarcastically not buying Ed's story that a phone randomly appeared in his pocket. Eddy decides to go through the phone to see who it belongs to.
"Eddy! That's an invasion of privacy!" Double D says appalled.
"How else are we gonna find out who's phone this is-" Eddy suddenly goes silent and looks around before closing the booth and grabbing and dragging both Ed and Double D away from the crowd.
"What is it Eddy?" Double D asks impatiently, Eddy does one more look around to see if they're alone.
"It's Joey's phone!" Double D and Ed's eyes both widen in horror. "How the hell did you get this Ed!" Eddy says grabbing Ed by the collar.
"It was just there Eddy, honest!" Ed pleads innocently. Double D asses the situation,
"Ed isn't one to steal Eddy, Joey must have dropped it." Double D says, puzzled on how Ed got Joey's phone.
"Right! Joey dropped his phone exactly inside Ed's pocket!" Eddy says not believing it for a second, "This is just like the ship in the bootle all over again!" Double D and Ed shiver at the thought. Eddy while contemplating on what to do next decides to take a look through the phone and soon something catches his eye. "Hold up a second" Double D and Ed both lost in thought worrying about the situation now look at Eddy, Eddy shows them pictures of cash with captions that says "this week's loot". The opportunity of wealth and Eddy never go well together and soon a plan is formulating in Eddy's mind and now looking at his fellow companions flashes a smirk. "We're going to scam Joey of everything he's worth." Eddy says rubbing his hands together. Double D is quick jump in before Eddy does something they'll all regret,
"Didn't you say not to mess with him!" Double D says incredulous.
"That was before money was involved." Eddy says smiling "I told you I'm scamming people who deserve it and Joey and his crew have been stealing money from kids for years, consider it their just due, heck call me Robin Hood." Eddy says patting himself in the back.
"Okay Robin Hood!" Ed says smiling
Double D once again isn't impressed, "Wouldn't that mean you plan on giving the money back to the victims or at least donating it to those less fortunate." Double D says calling out Eddy's false chivalry. Eddy's smile faded
"On second thought just call me Eddy." Eddy says shivering from the thought of giving up all that loot.
"Okay Eddy!" Ed says still smiling,
"Assuming I can't talk you out of it, what's your plan? We don't even know where these photos are from?" Double D questioned,
"Good thing we know people who do..." Eddy says mischievously. Double D didn't have to ask he already knew where Eddy was going with this. When money was on the table Eddy was going to do whatever it took to get it. The Ed's now all looking at each other knew to get to Joey they had to go through the Kankers.

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