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I over to a table at the back of this party. I didn't really want to come, but my friend Laura made me. We're room mates and she convinced me to come. I pulled out my phone to check what time it was. 11:00.

I felt someone sit next to me, I looked up to see a boy with light brown hair smiling at me.

"what's your name?" he said over the music

I didn't really feel like talking to anyone but I didn't want to be rude

"Emily." I said

"I'm chad." he grabbed my hand "come dance with me." he demanded

I barley had time to put y phone back in my pocket before being yanked out of my seat and dragged me to the dance floor.

His arm snaked around my waist and into my back pocket searching for my phone, I swatted his hand away and turned from him. His arm wrapped around my waist and lifted me from my feet and to the back exit.

He shoved me back against the wall

"Now let's have some fun." he said

He pressed his body against mine, I closed my eyes preparing for the worst when his body was removed from mine.

"I think you should go." a boy said to my attacker

"No, leave us alone we were just gonna have a little fun." he smiled

"doesn't look like she was having too much fun." the second guy says

The second guy walks over to me and grabs my hand and leans down to my ear "I'll drive you home." he says and pulls me away from the rapist

I got in his car and looked at him worriedly "who are you?" I asked getting a good look at him. he had blue eyes and blonde hair and had a very nice build.


"I'm Emily..." I said slowly

"now where are we going?" I asked noticing he never asked for directions to my house and was going further away from my house.

He didn't answer. I started getting nervous realizing that I just got in the car with a stranger without question.

Minutes later he pulled into the driveway of a medium sized house.

Niall ran around the car and helped me out and tried to get me into the house but I kept my feet firmly planted on the ground

"Where are we?" I asked

"my house." he said "now come on we need to go inside." he said

I didn't move, fearful of this guy.

"your going to make everything difficult aren't you?" he said

I nodded slightly, I don't know this guy and he wants me to go into his house. He walked towards me and grabbed my wrist and I flinched

"don't be scared. I just stopped that prick from raping you, I don't think I'm going to try anything." he assured me but my feet still refused to move

He put a arms around my waist before picking me up bridal-style and carrying me to the house.

He say me on a couch and left the room I got up and was about to run for it before I heard a voice

"Sit back down now!" I sat down quickly as Niall entered the room

"put these on." he handed me some clothes

I hesitated "put it on before I make you put them on." he said darkly

I ran to his bathroom and locked the door I looked at the clothes he gave me. A black v neck t-shirt and sweat pants. I tore off my clothes and instantly regretted wearing the lacy underwear I had on.

I finished and walked back out to the living room and looked at Niall whose gaze traveled up and down my body before he stood up

"bedtime." he said I walked over to the couch and laid down "No you are sleeping upstairs." he explained

I didn't want to go I had no idea what he was planning! Plus I'm kinda lazy.

He picked me up again and walked me to what seemed to be his bedroom.

"I ain't sleeping in here with you." I said

"just stop. I won't try anything, I promise." he sounded sincere then turned off the light, he pulled off his shirt and pulled me into him in the bed so we were basically spooning.

"yeah no, I ain't sleeping like this." I said

His grip got tighter on my waist. I tried not to sleep but my body betrayed me and I drifted off.

Another world (Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now